#电子科技大学#零感染是怎么做到的?刚刚,电子科大附属医院在《柳叶刀》子刊发表研究成果介绍先进经验!( 五 )
Third, for paediatric patients with lymphoma and other solid tumours (eg, nephroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, neuroblastoma, and germinoma), we recommend that they should be treated in haematological and oncology wards (after COVID-19 screening) according to their chemotherapy schedule, and without delay, until they are in complete remission. If the patient is in complete remission, we recommend a treatment delay of no more than 7 days to allow a short period of observation to screen for COVID-19.
再次 , 对于患有淋巴瘤和其他实体肿瘤(如肾母细胞瘤、肝母细胞瘤、神经母细胞瘤和生殖细胞瘤)的儿科患者 , 我们建议他们在血液学和肿瘤学病房接受治疗(经过COVID-19筛查), 根据他们的化疗时间表 , 毫不延迟地接受治疗 , 直到他们完全缓解 。如果病人处于完全缓解状态 , 我们建议延迟治疗不超过7天 , 以便短期观察筛查COVID-19 。
Finally, we recommend that patients in the remission phase having maintenance chemotherapy delay treatment for no more than 14 days. This increase in the maximum delay before chemotherapy strikes a balance between the potential risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and tumour recurrence, since paediatric patients in this phase of treatment have a reduced risk of tumour recurrence.
最后 , 我们建议处于缓解期的患者进行维持性化疗 , 延迟治疗时间不超过14天 。化疗前最长延迟时间的增加 , 在 SARS-CoV-2感染和肿瘤复发的潜在风险之间取得了平衡 , 因为处于这一治疗阶段的儿科病人肿瘤复发的风险降低了 。
The paediatric branch of the Chinese Medical Association has developed detailed principles for the diagnosis and treatment of children with COVID-19.
中华医学会儿科分会已经制定了诊断和治疗儿童 COVID-19的详细原则 。
Paediatric patients with haematological diseases often have abnormal white blood cell counts and classifications of white blood cells, and we suggest that routine blood tests are not necessary to diagnose suspected cases. We recommend that children with haematological disorders be considered as potentially being infected with SARS-CoV-2 if they meet any criteria in the history of epidemiology or any criteria in the clinical manifestations other than white blood cell count and classification.
儿科血液病患者常有白细胞计数异常和白细胞分类异常 , 我们建议常规血液检查不是诊断疑似病例的必要条件 。 我们建议患有血液疾病的儿童 , 如果在流行病学史上符合任何标准 , 或在临床表现中符合除白细胞计数和分类以外的任何标准 , 则可被视为可能感染 SARS-CoV-2 。
For inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19, we recommend that the expert group consult according to the following principles to determine a treatment plan: first, treatment of COVID-19 should be prioritised for children with primary disease remission; second, for children who are not in remission, priority treatment should be given to those who are critical; and third, in the case of isolation, patients should be treated for COVID-19 while reducing the intensity of chemotherapy for the primary disease, or chemotherapy should be temporarily suspended according to the specific situation.
对于诊断为COVID-19的住院病人 , 我们建议专家组根据以下原则制定治疗方案: 首先 , 原发病缓解的儿童应优先接受COVID-19的治疗; 其次 , 对于没有缓解的儿童 , 应优先接受危重病人的治疗; 第三 , 在隔离的情况下 , 患者应接受COVID-19治疗 , 同时降低原发病的化疗强度 , 或根据具体情况暂停化疗 。
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