#电子科技大学#零感染是怎么做到的?刚刚,电子科大附属医院在《柳叶刀》子刊发表研究成果介绍先进经验!( 六 )

On the basis of this management, we saw no SARS-CoV-2 infection in children with haematological malignancies in our haematology and oncology departments. However, in departments in which COVID-19 cannot be controlled, the recommendations described here could fail to some extent as a result of differences in medical resources, health-care settings, and the policy of the specific government. Our recommendations should be updated continuously with accumulated clinical evidence and the increase in knowledge about COVID-19 over time.
在此基础上 , 我们在血液科和肿瘤科 , 没有发现患有血液系统恶性肿瘤的儿童出现SARS-CoV-2感染 。然而 , 在不能控制 COVID-19的部门 , 由于医疗资源、卫生保健环境和特定政府政策的差异 , 本文所述的建议可能在某种程度上失效 。
我们的建议应该随着积累的临床证据和随着时间的推移而增加的关于COVID-19的知识而不断更新 。
