#电子科技大学#零感染是怎么做到的?刚刚,电子科大附属医院在《柳叶刀》子刊发表研究成果介绍先进经验!( 四 )
每名儿科病人应由固定照顾者陪同 , 其他人士不得探访有关病房 。值得注意的是 , 患有血液系统恶性肿瘤的儿童经常会出现化疗后并发呼吸道感染的情况 , 但所有突发呼吸道感染的病人应尽可能隔离 , 专家小组应再次进行 COVID-19筛查 。
儿科血液科和肿瘤科的 covid-19筛查程序
Positive: any positive sputum, throat swab, or lower respiratory tract secretion test. ?Negative: both of two tests at an interval of more than 24 h are negative.
备注:阳性: 痰液、咽拭子或呼吸道分泌物测试呈阳性 。 阴性: 间隔24小时以上的两项测试结果均为阴性 。
Information on the prevention and control of COVID-19 can be given to patients and their families in different forms, such as notices and booklets, with instructions on how to properly wash hands, wear a mask, and cough. The hospital should provide various support for isolated children and their parents, including psychological support. Medical staff, especially those working in hospitals, need to take care of people who have been diagnosed with or are suspected of having COVID-19, as their diagnosis could affect their mental health and they might worry about transmitting the virus to family, friends, or colleagues.
可透过不同形式 , 例如告示和小册子 , 向病人及其家属提供有关预防和控制 COVID-19的资讯 , 并教导他们如何正确洗手、戴口罩和咳嗽 。医院应为孤独儿童及其家长提供各种支援 , 包括心理支援 。医务人员 , 特别是那些在医院工作的人 , 需要照顾那些被诊断出或怀疑有COVID-19的人 , 因为他们的诊断可能会影响他们的精神健康 , 他们可能会担心将病毒传播给家人、朋友或同事 。
Children and their parents or guardians should also be informed about the importance of not concealing symptoms associated with COVID-19.
儿童及其父母或监护人也应被告知不隐瞒与COVID-19有关的症状的重要性 。
For patients who have chemotherapy planned, we recommend the following.
对于计划化疗的患者 , 我们建议如下:
First, during induction treatment for patients with acute lymphocytic leukaemia and acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia, scheduled chemotherapy should not be interrupted unless COVID-19 is suspected or diagnosed. However, patients should avoid using public transport and visiting crowded areas when returning to the hospital.
首先 , 在急性淋巴细胞性白血病和急性非淋巴细胞性白血病患者的诱导治疗期间 , 除非怀疑或诊断为 COVID-19 , 否则不应中断预定的化疗 。病人返回医院时应避免使用公共交通工具及避免前往人多挤迫的地方 。
Second, as SARS-CoV-2 has an incubation period of 2–7 days,we recommend a treatment delay of no more than 7 days to allow a short period of observation to screen for potentially infected children. For the consolidation phase and intermediate phase of chemotherapy, treatment should not be delayed for more than 7 days for patients with acute lymphocytic leukaemia and acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia.
其次 , 由于SARS-CoV-2的疾病潜伏期为2-7天 , 我们建议治疗延迟不超过7天 , 以便有较短的观察时间来筛查可能感染的儿童 。对于急性淋巴细胞性白血病及急性非淋巴细胞性白血病病人 , 在化疗的巩固期及中期 , 治疗延迟不应超过7天 。
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