
【新智元导读】人人动嘴编程的时代,这就来了 。
前段时间,最大开源社区Hugging Face发布了AI聊天机器人HuggingChat,瞬间引爆全网 。
网友纷纷表示,如果ChatGPT是苹果IOS系统,那么,开源版的Android就要来了 。
而这次,来了个更猛的 。
不仅上线了开源编程大语言模型StarCoder,顺便还推出了编程助手StarChat 。

虽说Github的Copilot已经接上了GPT-4最新能力,还得每月交钱 。
现在有了开源的StarChat,动动嘴编程的美事儿,每个人都能享了 。
想必,你一定用过GitHub Copilot或ChatGPT来解决编程任务,比如把代码翻译、生成等 。
尽管这些专有系统的能力令人印象深刻,但通常也有缺点 。其中就包括训练模型的公共数据缺乏透明度,以及无法将其适应自己的域或代码库 。

这不,高质量的平替这就来了 。
其中包括SalesForce的 CodeGen Mono(16B),或接受过20种编程语言的培训的Replit(3B)模型,该模型接受过20种编程语言的训练 。
BigCode项目中的StarCoder是一个160亿参数的模型,它使用了80多种编程语言、GitHub问题、Git提交和Jupiter 笔记本(所有这些都获得了许可)的一万亿个token 。
在这篇博文中,研究人员展示了StarCoder如何通过聊天进行微调,以创建一个性化的编码助手StarChat 。
-LLM如何像对话智能体一样被提示 。
-OpenAI聊天标记语言(ChatML)为人类用户和 AI 助手之间的会话信息提供了一种结构化格式
-如何微调一个与Transformers和DeepSpeed ZERO-3对话的不同语料库的大型模型

正如DeepMind和Anthropic所展示的,LLM可以通过巧妙地选择提示而变成对话智能体 。
这些提示通常涉及所谓的「系统」信息,该信息定义了LLM的特征,以及助手和用户之间的一系列对话 。例如,下面是Anthropic的HHH提示的摘录(总共有高达6k的token):
Below are a series of dialogues between various people and an AI assistant.
The AI tries to be helpful, polite, honest, sophisticated, emotionally aware, and humble-but-knowledgeable.
The assistant is hAppy to help with almost anything, and will do its best to understand exactly what is needed.
It also tries to avoid giving false or misleading information, and it caveats when it isn’t entirely sure about the right answer.
That said, the assistant is practical and really does its best, and doesn’t let caution get too much in the way of being useful.
Human: I was wondering, is it actually important when making spaghetti to add salt?
Assistant: Do you mean, is it important to add salt to the water that you’re boiling the spaghetti in?
Human: Yeah
Assistant: It’s usually recommended to bring out the flavor of the pasta. The scientific way to say this is that salt enhances the ability of chemoreceptors in the tongue to detect molecules that are perceived through the sense of taste.
Human: But I mean I’m going to use sauce and stuff, so does it matter?
Assistant: It sounds like you’re skeptical. Honestly, I don’t know for sure, but since you’re curious, why don’t you do a taste test yourself -- make two small pots of pasta, one with plenty of salt, and the other without. Then taste the noodles and see which one you prefer? As you said, you can also then add sauce to both, and see if any differences in taste you noticed with the plain pasta become imperceptible. It should be a fun experiment!
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