无聊时发的内涵句子 , 阳光精致 , 用来怀念青春!
我们每个人的生命都是带着一颗感恩的心和对美的渴望来到这个世界上的 , 因为花开不是为了凋谢 , 而是为了尽情地绽放 , 然后成熟和结果 , 也许这也不是终点 , 有一种境界叫做是重生 。
Each of us comes to this world with a grateful heart and a desire for beauty, because flowers bloom not to wither, but to bloom heartily, and then mature and result. Perhaps this is not the end. There is a realm called rebirth.
生活在路上 , 人生最美的风景也在路上 。人生一路走来 , 一路享受 , 有辛酸 , 也有美丽的季节 , 春花秋月 , 夏雨冬雪 , 都是值得体会和赞美的 。
Living on the road, the most beautiful scenery of life is also on the road. Life comes and enjoys all the way. There are bitterness and beautiful seasons. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer rain and winter snow are all worth experiencing and praising.
这就是为什么没有不老的生命 , 只有不老的心灵 。
This is why there is no life that is not old, only a heart that is not old.
不要去为别人而活 , 你将永远无法实现你的满足 。你不需要为别人改变你的初心 , 为别人的欲望出卖你的灵魂 。
Don't live for others, you will never achieve your satisfaction. You don't need to change your original heart for others and sell your soul for others' desires.
我也相信 , 世界上所有关于生命的相遇都是久别重逢 , 在生命中 , 有对经历的感恩 , 也有对当下的欣赏 , 而那些活在过去 , 练就了一身本领的人 , 或者是失去的风景 , 在岁月的旋律里 , 每个音符都不精彩 , 组合起来 , 就是人生路上最美的风景 。
I also believe that all the encounters about life in the world are reunion after a long separation. In life, there is gratitude for experience and appreciation for the present. Those who live in the past and have developed their skills, or the lost scenery, in the melody of years, each note is not wonderful. When combined, it is the most beautiful scenery on the road of life.
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