
「来源: |译·世界 ID:YEEWORLD」
在中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛的即兴问答环节,17岁少年汪栎宬[chéng]引用《觉醒年代》里辜鸿铭的名台词,将中国人的精神归结为“骨子里的温良”,以一段精彩的英文演讲冲上热搜 。
在他看来,温良是一种力量,是一种同情和人类智慧的力量 。
I would like to define the spirit of the Chinese people as "inexpressibly gentle, with the combination of intelligence and sympathy."
凭借这种力量,中国在短短的72年里创造了许多奇迹 。但是,汪栎宬说,我们没能让世界完全了解这些奇迹,没能让世界了解我们的伟大 。
“What is the change?”汪栎宬将这个问题抛给了听众 。
在这个“百年未有之大变局”中,真正的变化不在于新冠疫情,不在于经济危机,也不在于环境问题 。
“We are the change. China is the change.”
汪栎宬给出了一个让所有人都印象深刻的答案:真正的变化在于不断觉醒的青年,在于不断崛起的中国 。


汪栎宬获得了本届高中组冠军,这距离他上次捧回初中组冠军,仅仅过去两年 。
带着这些问题,我们专访了汪栎宬 。
03:12▲ 汪栎宬在第19届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛高中组总决赛演讲
History as a Mirror
Mirrors and history can both cause “reflections”, but with different meanings.
镜子和历史都能反映现实,但两者的含义不同 。
From a mirror, I see myself. From history, we know ourselves.
在历史中,我们认清自己 。
History, as a mirror, gives answers to three questions: Who we are? Where we are? And What to do? The answers to these questions constitute the source of our confidence.
历史,如一面镜子,回答了以下三个问题——我们是谁?我们在哪儿?以及,我们要做什么?这三个问题的答案构建起我们民族自信的来源 。
【有关《觉醒年代》英语演讲?觉醒年代英语演讲】We were confident mainly throughout our history because we knew definitely “who we are”. We never distinguish people by their race, ethnicity, or nationality. For all those identifying with the Chinese culture, we are equally generous to give, to teach, and to inspire. But meanwhile, we are not aggressive, coercive, or hegemonic. Because in a limited geographically view, Tianxia is a huge family, where people might be close or distant, but not clearly superior or inferior with one another. In a word, the Chinese nation is confident as a civilization, inclusive, respectful, but not expansionary. We cherish acculturation over assimilation.
历史上我们几乎总是自信的,因为我们明确地知道自己是谁 。我们不以人种、族裔或民族作为区分标准 。对于所有认同中华文化的人,我们都一视同仁——厚往薄来、敦于教化、怀远以德 。与此同时,我们从不挑衅示威、从不武力胁迫、从不恃强凌弱,因为从当时有限的地理视野看来,天下为一家——人们或许有远近之分,却绝无优劣之别 。简而言之,中华民族与自信的中华文明一体,兼收并蓄、尊敬谦恭,从不以扩张权势为目的 。相比于同化他人,我们更崇尚不同文明间的友好交流 。
However, after the Opium War, when we were forced into the “World” system, our confidence was gradually lost, in our technology, institutions, and finally our culture. Along with the process to save our nation was the pursuit for the question to “where we are”. We understand that we were faced with increased challenges between nations in an increasingly industrialized world. We struggled to adapt ourselves to this new situation in different directions, and finally found our road in an increasingly globalized world.
然而,鸦片战争之后,我们被裹挟进“世界体系”,逐渐丢失了民族自信——科学技术首当其冲,政治制度紧随其后,最后连思想文化也难逃厄运 。我们一边探索救国存亡的道路,一边寻找“我们在哪儿”的答案 。我们逐步认识到自己正面临着与逐步实现工业化的列强相抗衡的严峻挑战 。为了适应新的局面,我们作出许多尝试,也遭受了众多磨难,但最终在这个日益全球化的世界里找到了一条适合自己的道路 。
Such a road defends the independence of China, while embracing the interdependent world. Such a road promotes economic developments, while responding to people’s needs. Such a road is based on the reality, while looking into the future.
