有时我觉得自己像个神经病 。既让自己陷入困境,又让别人感到烦恼 。
Sometimes I feel like a psycho Get yourself into trouble and annoy others
成功不是一种状态而是一种信念,成功不是一种方法而是一种理念 。
Success is not a state but a belief Success is not a method but an idea
终点和过程就在那里,坚持下去也会使自我变得贪婪 。
And the end point and process are there Persistence will also make you greedy
最强壮的人是那些内心背负千斤重担,但外表平静的人 。
The strongest people are those who bear a heavy burden inside, but are calm on the outside
成年后最痛苦的教训之一是,当你从来不需要保护自己的人对你开出最严厉的枪 。
One of the most painful lessons of adulthood is that when you never need to protect yourself, people shoot you the harshest
雨停了,往往就不下了,雨来了,人们往往就不来了 。
When the rain stops, it often stops raining When the rain comes, people often stop coming
【心情不好时发的句子有哪些?心情很不好发的句子】我爱三样东西,太阳、月亮和你,太阳代表白天,月亮代表夜晚,你代表我自己 。
I love three things, the sun, the moon and you The sun represents the day, the moon represents the night, and you represent myself
相识就是朋友,相知就是信任 。
Knowing each other is a friend, and knowing each other is trust
午后的阳光金黄而遥远,季节的变化却如此温暖,你迟到了许多年,但我仍然高兴你在这里 。
The afternoon sun is golden and distant, but the seasons are so warm You are many years late, but I am still glad you are here
你要多坚强才敢想我,你会想我吗?因为我想念你 。
How strong do you have to be to miss me? Will you miss me? Because I miss you
他有多好真的不重要,他是属于他的,他对你有多好才重要,他是属于你的 。
It really doesn't matter how good he is He belongs to him What matters is how good he is to you He belongs to you
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