冲去 冲走 washaway
【冲走的英文短语怎么写?冲走的英文短语翻译】冲走,刮走 sweeaway
冲走、冲垮 wash away
冲走你 swept away by you
打扫 , 冲走 sweep
被水冲走 washed away
冲刷;冲蚀;冲走 washout
冲走 , 卷走 , 扫除 sweeaway
冲走的东西 washing
冲走小老鼠 ratropolis
使入迷 , 冲走 carry away
1.当地人认为水可以冲走坏东西 , 带来好运 。
The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck.
2.春天冰雪融化总是会冲走土壤 , 不是吗?
Spring thaw always washes away soil, doesn't it?
3.暴风雨冲走了建筑物和道路 , 侵蚀了沙滩 。
The storm washed away buildings and roads and eroded beaches.
Rinse it off, and your skin will be absolutely glowing!
将它冲掉 , 然后你的皮肤绝对会变得容光焕发!
一场热带风暴带来的降雨把岩屑从火山坡上冲走了 。
Rainfall from a tropical storm dislodged the debris from the slopes of the volcano.
那场暴风雨把小岛上的一切都冲走 。当时的暴风雨现在测算下来应该是4级飓风 。
The storm, now estimated to have hit the island as a Category 4 hurricane, washed all of that away.
它迅速地把所有障碍都冲走 , 没有什么可以阻止 。
It moves rapidly over all the obstacles in its way. Nothing can stop it.
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