
汉译英,特别是在将汉语文章、学术著作译为英语时,经常可以发现文章中引用的很多话原文为英文,引用时使用的是其汉语译文,那么在重新将其译为英文时,我们切记不可直接根据原文意思进行翻译,最好尽最大努力找到其原文的出处 。当然,在实在找不到其出处时,也可结合查找到的相关背景信息进行翻译,力求最大程度地还原原想要传达的信息 。下文介绍了几种查询原文出处的方法:


1.Google 人名+motto/quotes
培根有言,“复仇乃一种原始的公道,人之天性越是爱讨这种公道,法律就越是应该将其铲除” 。
As Francis Bacon said,“Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more a man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out”.
如上文这般比较有名的格言,可直接在谷歌中输入“Francis Bacon”+“law quotes”进行查找,得到的结果如下:
2.Google 人名+其他关键词
在1649年英国李尔本叛国案中,李尔本雄辩地指出,“虽然我被指控犯有臭名昭著的罪行,但是在我被依法宣告犯有被指控的犯罪事实或者罪名前,在英国法律眼中,我是一个无辜的人,和那些称我为叛徒的人一样无辜” 。
In British John Lilburne’s treason case of 1649, John Lilburne eloquently pointed out that “although I was accused of a notorious crime, I am still a man as innocent as any of those that call me traitor in the eye of British law until I am legally convicted,” which is a wonderful annotation to presumption of innocence.
由中文可知,关键词为John Lilburne 和treason case 1649,经谷歌搜索,即可得到:
3.如为书籍,查找中文对应内容所在,然后查找对应英文 。
1748年,法国思想家孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》一书中指出,“即使是最卑微的公民的生命也应当受到尊重 。他的荣誉和财产,如果没有经过长期的审查,是剥夺的;他的生命,除了受国家的控诉之外,是剥夺的” 。
In 1748, French thinker Montesquieu pointed out in his book The Spirit of the Laws that “ Even the life of the meanest subject is deemed to be precious. No man is stripped of his honour or property until after a long inquiry; and no man is bereft of life till his very country has attacked him.”
这一办法稍显麻烦,但在某句话并不为大众熟知时,仅有此方法可精准找到原文内容 。
1789年法国《人权宣言》第9条明确规定:“任何人在被宣判有罪之前,应当被假定为无罪 。”
Article 9 of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) of France explicitly stipulates that “every person accused of any crime shall be presumed to be innocent until being convicted,” but such principle was not implemented until a quiet long time passed.
此类有明确出处的最为容易 。
4.Google 背景知识
使用前三种办法,均未查到的,则可对其大的框架背景进行查找,或根据查到的其他背景信息的内容,进行尽量准确还原的翻译 。
据学者考证,13世纪罗马教会法国红衣主教约翰内斯·莫纳科斯首先提出现代无罪推定理念的著名格言——“证明有罪之前即属无罪” 。
According to research conducted by some scholars, presumption of innocence was originally expressed by the French cardinal and canonical jurist Johannes Monachus in the famous phrase “item quilbet presumitur innocens nisi probetur nocens (a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty),” which had an important impact on the legal system and litigation practices at that time.
这一内容事关无罪推定理念的发展状况,经在维基百科Presumption of innocence这一词条解释中查到 。
