RocksDB事务的隔离性分析( 二 )

auto stripe_iter = stripe->keys. find (key);
if (stripe_iter != stripe->keys. end ()) {
auto& txns = stripe_iter-> second .txn_ids;
auto txn_it = std:: find (txns. begin (), txns. end (), txn_id);
// Found the key we locked. unlock it.
if (txn_it != txns. end ()) {
if (txns. size () == 1) {
stripe->keys. erase (stripe_iter);
} else {
auto last_it = txns. end () - 1;
if (txn_it != last_it) {
*txn_it = *last_it;
if (max_num_locks_ > 0) {
// Maintain lock count if there is a limit on the number of locks.
assert(lock_map->lock_cnt. load (std:: memory_order_relaxed ) > 0);
} else {
// This key is either not locked or locked by someone else. This should
// only hAppen if the unlocking transaction has expired.
assert(txn->GetExpirationTime() > 0 &&
txn->GetExpirationTime() < env->NowMicros());
