1.过年就不要给我发红包了 , 太幼稚了 , 我长大了 , 请转账 , 红包最多只能发200 。
Don't give me a red envelope for Chinese New Year. It's too childish. When I grow up, please transfer money. The red envelope can only be sent at most 200 yuan.
2.小时候 , 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 , 长大后 , 乡愁是一份核酸检测报告 。
When I was a child, homesickness was a small stamp. When I grew up, homesickness was a nucleic acid test report.
3.城市慷慨亮整夜 , 如同少年不惧岁月长 , 她想要的不多只是和别人的不一样 。
The city is generous and bright all night, just as a teenager is not afraid of the long years. What she wants is not only different from others.
4.如果我站在朝阳上 , 能否脱去昨日的惆怅 , 淡薄语言能否传达我所有的牵挂 。
If I stand on the rising sun, can I get rid of yesterday's melancholy, and can weak language convey all my concerns?
5.除夕夜最热闹的不是春晚 , 而是大街被爆竹的热气蒙上薄雾的十里红妆 , 是觥筹交错之后欢声笑语的一家人 , 是烟火相对仍然长不大的一群人 。
The most lively New Year's Eve is not the Spring Festival Evening, but the street is covered with misty red makeup by the hot gas of firecrackers. It is a family who laughs and laughs after the fireworks are crossed, and it is a group of people whose fireworks are still relatively small.
6.我已经长大了 , 所以在我拒绝压岁钱的时候直接塞到我的口袋 , 动作要快 , 姿势要帅 。
I have grown up, so when I refuse the New Year's money, I put it in my pocket directly. I need to move quickly and pose handsomely.
7.期待新年 , 喜欢那种旧年翻篇 一切如新的感觉 , 这会让我对未来又重新充满期待 , 总觉得遗憾可以弥补 , 好运又再次满 , 故事才刚刚开始 。
Looking forward to the New Year, I like the feeling that everything is as new as it was in the previous year, which will make me look forward to the future again, always feel that regrets can be made up, good luck is full again, and the story has just begun.
8.以诚挚之心 , 领岁月教诲 , 敬年少热诚 , 愿将来胜过往 , 永远热泪盈眶 。
With sincerity, we will learn from the years and respect the enthusiasm of youth. We hope that the future will be better than the past, and tears will always fill our eyes.
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