I don't miss you very much I just think of you in many, many small moments, such as a movie, a song, a lyric, a road and countless times when I close my eyes
判断真爱其实很简单:没有钱的人愿意为你花钱,而有钱的人愿意为你花时间 。
Judging true love is actually very simple: people who have no money are willing to spend money for you, while people who have money are willing to spend time for you
为什么现在分手的理由基本上都是你不喜欢了,不合适了,没有前途了,但你却拒绝承认你喜欢别人 。
Now the reasons for breaking up are basically that you don't like it, it's inappropriate, there is no future, but you refuse to admit that you like others
事实证明,你所说的谎言可以被当作誓言来听 。我很傻,以为那是爱 。
Facts have proved that your lies can be heard as vows I was stupid to think it was love
最舒适的口味是那些恰到好处的口味,而最令人愉快的关系是那些懂得适度的比例 。
The most comfortable tastes are those that are just right, and the most pleasant relationships are those that know the moderate proportion
被人喜欢是件高兴的事,但这个世界上没有人有义务对你好,而且没有一刻的感情是容易的 。
Being liked is a happy thing, but no one in this world is obliged to be kind to you, and no moment of affection is easy
只是一个电话,一条短信,我仍然看到你站在那里,在那个我们都没有离开的老地方等我 。
It's just a phone call, a text message, and I still see you standing there, waiting for me in the old place where we didn't leave
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