形容美好生活的英文句子?形容美好生活的英文短句( 三 )
(19) In this wonderful Bodhi world, thank you for your encounter with flowers; Thank you for regaining your beautiful mood; Thank yourself and find the scattered past!
(20)、总有这些美妙的声音,像一根根弹奏的琴弦,在我的生命中演绎不止 。它们犹如古怪的小精灵,在我的世界中盘旋,盘旋成一缕阳光,一抹紫烟,一枝新绿,一弯新月 。我常常呆呆的趴在窗口,凝视夜空 。那曾经遗失的美好,明天那绚烂的太阳,这一支支美妙旋律,在我的心野里一次次驻足 。
(20) There are always these wonderful sounds, like strings playing one by one, which have been performed more than once in my life. They are like strange elves, circling in my world, circling into a ray of sunshine, a touch of purple smoke, a new green and a new moon. I often lie in the window and stare at the night sky. The beauty once lost, the gorgeous sun tomorrow, this beautiful melody, stops again and again in my heart field.
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