By acquiescing to disturb her repeatedly, you are actually giving you the same degree of company;
两个人在一起很久了,感情未必总是像当初那么强烈 。这个是正常的 。
Two people have been together for a long time, and their feelings may not always be as strong as they were at the beginning. This is normal.
【描写雪景的词句段?描写雪景的句子优美段落】你会永远明白,女人不拒绝就是爱,女人不拒绝你做这些事,就是她爱你的证明 。
You will always understand that if a woman doesn't refuse, it is love. If a woman doesn't refuse you to do these things, it is proof that she loves you.
当你总是回复很少,根本不注意对方说了什么,你的女朋友也会不高兴 。
When you always reply little and don't pay attention to what the other person said, your girlfriend will be unhappy.
五十岁以后,每个人都开始寻找最舒适的生活方式,渴望悠闲快乐地度过余生 。
After the age of fifty, everyone began to find the most comfortable way of life, eager to spend the rest of their lives leisurely and happily.
诚然,很多男人和女人结婚后不久就觉得不合适,又因为某些原因匆匆结束 。
It is true that many men and women feel inappropriate soon after they get married, and they end up in a hurry for some reason.
You expect a response, because you haven't let go yet.
成年人对爱情比较谨慎,不公开 。这可以理解,但一个认得你,想和你认真相处,好好相处的男人就不行了 。一直隐藏你的 。
Adults are more cautious about love and are not open to the public. This is understandable, but a man who knows you, wants to get along with you seriously, and can't. Always hide yours.
电话的出现极大地方便了大家的生活 。只要手机有电,只要对方愿意接听,就很容易找到人 。
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