命运就是宿命,但我更愿意相信是主动性在起作用 。当两个人在一起,并能为对方不惜一切代价,那么就是丘比特在射杀你们两个 。
Fate is destiny, but I prefer to believe that initiative is at work When two people are together and can do anything for each other, Cupid is shooting you both
就贾宁儿而言,她和男友之间的关系是柔软而舒适的,但这并没有加重他们之间的感情,只是在经历了一些小困难之后,他们的关系才得以巩固 。
As far as Jia Ning'er is concerned, the relationship between her and her boyfriend is soft and comfortable, but it does not aggravate their feelings It is only after experiencing some small difficulties that their relationship can be consolidated
女人的心很难猜,如果你是抱着玩玩的心态,那么你就不要去挑逗她,要小心翼翼地进入 。
It's hard to guess a woman's heart If you have a playful attitude, don't tease her, but enter carefully
"一个拥有良好爱情运的女人与她的长相无关,与她的年龄无关 。
"A woman with good love luck has nothing to do with her appearance and her age
不按常理出牌的马丽,不遗余力地表达她对钱伟的爱,而乐琦却选择退居二线,专注于自己的事业 。
Ma Li, who doesn't play cards according to common sense, spared no effort to express her love for Qian Wei, while Leqi chose to retreat to the second line and focus on her career
谈到社交,聪明人往往会选择对自己有利的圈子,然后进行社交 。
When it comes to socializing, smart people often choose a circle that is beneficial to themselves and then socialize
【冬天适合自己的心情语录?冬天很走心的干净短句】如果真的没有办法避免,还是先享受顽固的快乐吧 。
If you really can't avoid it, you'd better enjoy stubborn happiness first
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