近日,西乡县委、县政府与中国国际广播电台国际在线城市频道合作,特于2011年11月18日编发题为《陕西西乡茶叶飘香》【Xixiang, the northwestern tea town】的中英文新闻 。
今天,饮茶之风已遍及全球,而茶公认原产自中国,在中国有各种各样的茶,茶的品种可谓是多不胜举 。其中,有种茶十分特别,虽然不是产自闽浙云贵,但是其状似兰花的外观,清澈明亮的汤色,爽口回甘的口感已然征服了不少对茶很挑剔的人,这就是产自中国西北地区最大的产茶县西乡县的午子仙毫 。
陕西省西乡县茶叶种植历史至少可追朔至公元前二世纪,至今已有数千年历史 。在这漫长的历史长河中,西乡积淀了深厚而独特的汉茶文化,形成了独具特色的茶歌、茶舞、茶诗、茶影、茶艺等民间艺术 。截止目前,全县茶园总面积达22.9万亩,年产茶叶5500吨,产值6.5亿元,是西北地区最大的产茶县 。先后荣获全国名优茶生产基地县、中国著名茶乡和中国茶产业发展政府贡献奖等诸多殊荣 。以仙毫为代表的西乡绿茶更以色、香、味、形俱佳,纯天然、无污染闻名全国,成为中国八大名茶之一 。
近年来,西乡坚持以良好的生态环境和独特的茶叶资源为依托,以建设中国最美丽的茶乡为目标,先后投资5亿多元完善旅游设施、延伸产业链条,连年举办茶文化节暨樱桃旅游节,形成了集采茶、制茶、品茶、购茶、茶艺、茶食为一体的独具特色的茶园生态观光游品牌 。截止2011年上半年,全县共接待游客135.1万人,实现旅游综合收入3.9亿元,同比增长分别为37%和89%,旅游产业已成为西乡县经济中最具活力、发展最快的产业 。
【中国西乡茶园风光闪耀美国纽约时代广场荧屏】Xixiang, the northwestern tea town
XIXIANG COUNTY, China, November 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- As drinking tea has long been a worldwide fashion, China is recognized as the home of various teas. One of them is known for its orchid-like shape, clear color and fresh taste. That is Ziwu Xianhao, produced in Xixiang County, Shaanxi Province. An original report by City Channel of CRI Online follows:
The people of the county have been growing tea for 2,200 years and have developed a deep and distinct tea culture. Tea is also the theme of many local art forms, including songs, dances and poems.
Xixiang, the largest tea growing county in Northwest China, today has tea gardens covering a total area of more than 150 square kilometers, producing 5,500 tons of tea a year, with annual output value of 650 million yuan ($102.4 million).
It has received a number of honors, such as national base of high-quality tea, China famous tea town and excellent government contribution for tea industry development.
As China's top eight teas, the Xianhao tea has won nationwide fame for its color, shape and taste.
The county government has been paying close attention to the local environment. Aiming at building the nation's most beautiful tea town, it has invested 500 million yuan to expand the industry chain, and improve tourism infrastructure.
The annual tea culture festival helped boost the local tourism brand featuring the tea garden ecology. With a number of activities, including tea plucking, processing and drinking, and tea ceremony shows, tourism has become the most dynamic and fastest-growing industry in Xixiang's economy.
The county welcomed more than 1 million tourists in the first half of this year, increasing 37 percent than the same period last year, and achieved revenue of 390 million yuan, up 89 percent.
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