and|是什么让你相信了那些荒谬之词?( 二 )
The initial attempt to believe is an automatic operation of System 1, which involves the construction of the best possible interpretation of the situation.
吉尔伯特认为 , 即使是一个毫无意义的陈述也会唤起人们最初的信任 。 你试试他给出的例子:
Whitefish eat candy 白鱼吃糖果
你有可能意识到一个关于鱼和糖果的模糊印象 , 这个印象的产生过程 , 就是联想记忆自动搜索“鱼”和“糖果”这两个概念之间各种联系的过程 , 这一过程会使这种很荒唐的说法看起来竟有些道理了 。
System 1 is gullible(易受骗的) and biased to believe, System 2 is in charge of doubting and unbelieving, but System 2 is sometimes busy, and often lazy.
Indeed, there is evidence that people are more likely to be influenced by empty persuasive messages, such as commercials, when they are tired and depleted.
有证据显示 , 当人们劳累或是精力耗尽时 , 更容易受那些空洞却有说服力的信息影响 , 例如广告 。
The operations of associative memory contribute to a general confirmation bias.
联想记忆的运作是导致“确认偏误”的原因之一 。
When asked, “ Is Sam friendly ?” different instances of Sam’s behavior will come to mind than would if you had been asked “ Is Sam unfriendly ?”
如果有人问你:“Sam友好吗?”你就会想到山姆的各种行为举止;而如果有人问你:“Sam是不是很不友好?”你就很难想起他的许多举动 。
The confirmatory bias of System 1 favors uncritical acceptance of suggestions and exaggeration of the likelihood of extreme and improbable events.
系统1产生的确认偏误不加批判地接受了建议 , 夸大了极端的可能性以及不可能的事件 。
If you are asked about the probability of a tsunamihitting California within the next thirty years, the images that come to your mind are likely to be images of tsunamis, in the manner Gilbert proposed for nonsense statements such as “whitefish eat candy.” You will be prone to overestimate the probability of a disaster.
如果被问及 海啸 在今后30年内袭击加州的可能性有多大 , 你脑中所呈现的图像很有可能就是海啸 ,你会更容易高估出现灾难的可能性 。 这就如同看到同吉尔伯特提出的那些类似“白鱼吃糖果”这种无意义的陈述时产生的反应一样 。
2 光环效应与群体的智慧
2.1、 什么是光环效应
The tendency to like (or dislike) everything about a person—including things you have not observed—is known as the halo effect.
喜爱(或讨厌)某个人就会喜爱(或讨厌)这个人的全部—包括你还没有观察到的方面—这种倾向就叫做光环效应 。
Solomon Asch的一个实验堪称心理学实验中不朽的经典 。 他对两个人进行了描述 , 并要求其他人对这两人的个性进行评论 。 你认为艾伦和本这两人怎么样?
Alan: intelligent—industrious—impulsive—critical—stubborn—envious
Ben: envious—stubborn—critical—impulsive—industrious—intelligent
如果你像我们一样 , 你就会更喜欢艾伦一些 。 前几条列出的性格特征会改变后面出现的特征的含义 。 我们认为聪明人有理由固执 , 并且还会尊重他这一点 。 然而 , 一个忌妒心强又固执的人如果还很聪明的话 , 他身上就带有一些危险性 。
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