疯狂学英语|双语 | 这些名著原来曾经改过名( 三 )
There are many different theories as to why Orwell’s famous novel was finally titled 1984 , but it was originally called The Last Man in Europe because of how isolated Orwell felt while writing it, and his physical loneliness as he was living on the isle of Jura at the time, as well as how isolated the character Winston feels in the novel.
关于奥威尔著名的小说为何最终定名为《1984》有很多种不同的说法 , 但该书最初名叫《欧洲的最后一个人》 , 是因为奥威尔在写作该书时感到非常孤独 , 也因为他当时住在侏罗岛上 , 与世隔绝 , 还因为小说中的人物温斯顿深感孤独 。
All’s Well That Ends Well /
War and Peace
After deciding on the original title, Tolstoy then wanted to include more of a background to the wars that took place before 1863, such as the Crimean War and Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and thus War and Peace seemed more fitting.
【疯狂学英语|双语 | 这些名著原来曾经改过名】在确定了最初的书名之后 , 托尔斯泰又打算增加一些1863年之前的战争背景 , 例如克里米亚战争以及拿破仑对俄国的入侵 , 因此 , 《战争与和平》这个书名显得更合适 。
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