疯狂学英语|双语 | 这些名著原来曾经改过名( 二 )
Strangers from Within /
Lord of the Flies
It was originally thought that the working title was too explicit and too absurd by one of the publishers, so an editor came up with the idea of Lord of the Flies which is a translation of the Hebrew for “Beelzebub”—a contemporary name for the devil.
一个出版商最初觉得这部小说的曾用名过于直白、过于荒诞 , 于是一位编辑想出了《蝇王》这个书名 , 该词译自希伯来语“Beelzebub” , 是魔鬼的当代称呼 。
Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice /
Mein Kampf
Hitler’s publisher suggested the much shorter and more succinct title of Mein Kampf which translates as My Struggle, rather than the long and wordy (啰嗦的) original title for his autobiography which he started to write while in prison.
希特勒的出版商建议他的自传使用更简短扼要的书名Mein Kampf , 翻译过来就是《我的奋斗》 , 而非原来那个冗长、啰嗦的书名 。 希特勒是在狱中开始撰写此书的 。
Atticus /
To Kill a Mockingbird
Even though Atticus is one of the most prominent characters in To Kill a Mockingbird , Lee decided that she didn’t want her novel to be named after just one character, and instead changed it to a reference from the book.
尽管阿蒂克斯是《杀死一只知更鸟》中最重要的人物之一 , 但李又觉得不应仅以一个人物的名字来命名这部小说 , 于是将书名改为了书中的一处引用 。
Tomorrow Is Another Day /
Gone With the Wind
The initial title is the last line of the novel, however, Mitchell decided that she wanted to instead take the title from the first line of the third stanza (诗节) of the poem Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson .
这本书最初的书名是小说的最后一句话 , 但米切尔决定 , 还是根据欧内斯特·道生的诗作《我一直按自己的方式对你忠诚 , 西纳拉!》第三诗节的第一行来取名 。
The Kingdom by the Sea/
Nabokov was heavily influenced by Poe’s poem Annabel Lee , and the working title of The Kingdom by the Sea was taken from this poem. The title Lolita , which he eventually settled on, was again influenced by this poem.
纳博科夫深受爱伦·坡诗作《安娜贝尔·李》的影响 。 小说的曾用名《海边的王国》即出自该诗 。 他最终选定的书名《洛丽塔》也受到了该诗的影响 。
The Last Man in Europe /
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