outlander小说(城市SUV先行者 探寻广汽三菱欧蓝德的前世今( 二 )

- Cynthia Johnson Whealler, Cary Memorial Lib., Lexington, Mass.
FromKirkus Reviews
Once-in-a-lifetime romantic passion and graphically depicted torture sessions are only the two extremes of this lively time- travel romance set in 18th-century Scotland--an imaginative and lighthearted debut by a promising newcomer. World War II has finally ended and Claire Beauchamp Randall, a British Red Cross nurse, has gone off to Scotland with her historian husband, Frank, to try to resume their married life where it left off six years before. Their diligent attempts to make a baby come to a halt, however, when Claire discovers an ancient stone circle on a nearby hilltop, slips between two mysterious- looking boulders, and is transported willy-nilly to the year 1743. Stumbling down the hillside, disoriented and confused, Claire is discovered by Jonathan ``Black Jack'' Randall, an evil English officer who happens to be her husband's direct ancestor and physical look-alike. Randall notes Claire's revealing 1940's summer dress, assumes she is a whore, and attempts to rape her, whereupon she is rescued by the fierce MacKenzie clan, who take her to their castle and confine her there. Claire adjusts to her changed circumstances with amazing ease, using her nursing experience to tend to her hosts' illnesses while she impatiently awaits a chance to return to the circle of stones. Before she can get away, circumstances force her into a marriage with James Frazer, a Scottish renegade from English justice and Jonathan Randall's archenemy. Young Jamie's good looks, passion, and virility soon redirect Claire's energies to defending her stalwart new husband against her former mate's evil clone, and the fierce, courageous but historically doomed Scottish clans against the course of destiny itself. A satisfying treat, with extra scoops of excitement and romance that make up for certain lapses in credibility.
Gabaldon's genre-crossing classic of romance, fantasy, and historical fiction tells the story of Jamie and Claire, lovers from different centuries caught in the bloodshed of the Scots' struggle to be free of the English. It achieves a new dimension in the audio format. Davina Porter maintains the distinct voices she creates for each character throughout the lengthy narration. Her delivery of eighteenth-century language sounds authentic and is easily understandable. The hot sex and graphic violence, integral to the story, are far more vivid on tape than they are on paper. D.T.H.
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)17.5width:(cm)11.3
作者简介:戴安娜·加瓦尔东(Diana Gabaldon):
美国作家,北亚利桑那大学海洋生态学博士与荣誉人文学博士,曾在大学教授解剖学,还是多本科技、电脑期刊的撰稿人、评论员 。1988年,黛安娜·加瓦尔东为了“练习”而开始写小说,不料一写就写出了风靡全球的Outlander系列 。她学识渊博,感情细腻,又具有大胆的想象力和幽默感,而这些特质正是Outlander魅力的来源 。
Unlike other societies, the Chinese tend to see social relations in terms of interweaving networks rather than discrete categories ("boxes"). Hence, people are perceived as being "near" or "far" rather than "in" or "out". Another prevalent conceptualization relates to belonging: "self-person" or "one of us" (自己 ziji ren or tzu-chi-jen) as opposed to "outsider" or "not one of us" (外人 wairen or waijen; 外地人 waidi ren is often used in one place for people who come from elsewhere).
每个人买车都有着自己不同的需求和用途,侧重的方向不同选择的车型以及外观也就不一样 。而对于我来说,选择广汽三菱欧蓝德看中的是它的皮实耐用,销量高的车不一定就完美,像欧蓝德这种销量平平的车型却也挑不出什么大的毛病来 。欧蓝德属于那种低调务实又功底扎实的车型,作为和欧蓝德相处过一年半载的车主今天来聊一聊它的优点和缺点 。
优点: ?????(1)外观:整体上欧蓝德的外观设计相当成功,大气时尚 。尺寸方面欧蓝德有着4705mm长1810mm宽1710mm高的车身尺寸,在同级别合资品牌中可说是数一数一数二,车内空间布局合理,后备箱空间十分宽大,装载能力不凡 。
(2)操控:欧蓝德出自于拥有百年造车历史的三菱,它继承了三菱传统的越野技术,操控――灵活与运动的完美结合 。三菱传统的越野车技术曾经使用在参加巴黎至达喀尔拉力赛的赛车上,而这一次这种技术在欧蓝德上的使用,让Outlander的骨子里也流淌着了冠军的血液,值得一提的是,达喀尔拉力赛传奇车手增冈浩参与了欧蓝德底盘的研发和调教工作,将自身的经验和技术注入到车辆中去,可营造不错的行驶质感以及敏捷的操控性,远比本田CR-V和丰田荣放行驶品质来得更为踏实 。
