什么是白皮书、蓝皮书、红皮书、黄皮书、绿皮书? 黄皮书是什么?( 二 )

蓝皮书剖析称 , 因为这一新阶层重要居住在大城市 , 高房价和工作压力使他们不信任自己已经属于中产阶级 。

3. In a perfect world, we would hope that every article, paper, Red book, slide presentation,and system design would address these important issues head on.
在完善的世界中 , 我们愿望每篇文章、论文、红皮书、幻灯片和体系设计都率先解决这些主要问题 。

4. Nationwide, businesses in资源网 much of the U.S. are “cautiously positive” on the economy’s outlook, according to the Yellow Book, which surveys all 12 Fed districts.
美联储黄皮书显示 , 全美许多处所的企业对经济远景都持谨严乐观态度 , 黄皮书调查了12家联邦储备银行所在的地域 。

5. Colonel Qaddafi’s Green Book suggests that in a perfect state, the government disappears and the people rule, but Libyans note wryly that the colonel has never seemed to follow his own advice.
依据卡扎菲的绿皮书 , 一个完善的国度里 , 政府将消逝 , 取而代之的是人民来引导国度 。但利比亚人民却奚落他说 , 卡扎菲从来不会照自己说的做 。
