在生活中,没有什么比时间更宝贵;在生活中,没有什么比事业更闪亮;在生活中,没有什么比奋斗更快乐 。
Nothing in life is more precious than time; In life, nothing shines more brightly than career; Nothing in life is happier than struggle
我希望我和你的名字能写在一起,无论是在婚礼请柬上还是在墓碑上 。
I hope your name and I can be written together, whether on the wedding invitation or on the tombstone
如果你不能忍受孤独,你就不会经历繁荣 。
If you can't stand loneliness, you won't experience prosperity
愿在新的一年里一切顺利 。
May everything go well in the new year
"那天早上有雾,不只是有雾,而是有雾 。"
"It was foggy that morning, not just foggy, but foggy"
也许是错过了一程,也许是在美丽的风景前多等了一秒,但最终我们相遇了 。我不承认,这就是命运 。也许我们只是过客,也许我们说了再见就再也见不到了,但认识你让我很高兴 。最重要的事情是忘记最深的记忆 。
Maybe we missed the trip, maybe we waited one second in front of the beautiful scenery, but we met at last I have to admit, this is fate Maybe we're just passers-by, maybe we'll never see each other again after saying goodbye, but knowing you makes me very happy The most important thing is to forget the deepest memory
生活总是会给你另一个机会,这个机会就叫明天 。
Life will always give you another chance, which is called tomorrow
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