现在的我们,上不去的是成绩,下不去的是体重,能拿的是筷子,进不去的是被子 。
Now, what we can't get on is grades, what we can't get off is weight, what we can get is chopsticks, and what we can't get into is quilts
妻子啊,你不能张嘴说爱,但你不能比我先死 。
【有哲理的晚安心语?富含哲理的晚安句子】Ah, wife, you can't open your mouth to say love, but you can't die before me
I can't grasp the beauty of this world, so I can only pretend that everything is going well
有些情谊,像夜晚的星辉,即使没有温度,也能照亮彼此心底深处最柔软的地方 。
Some friendships, like the starlight at night, can illuminate the softest place in each other's heart even if there is no temperature
谢谢你悲伤的时候,终于让我明白了什么是绝望,你的疏远,无所谓 。
Thank you When you are sad, you finally let me know what despair is, and your alienation doesn't matter
我爱你,静静地对付你; 我爱你,在心里轰轰烈烈 。
I love you and deal with you quietly; I love you, vigorous in my heart
你的眼睛请温柔 。月光会融化 。我也可以 。
Please be gentle with your eyes The moonlight will melt I can, too
我的人生本应该更顺畅 。如果不是被这个肥肉拖着的话 。
My life should have been smoother If it hadn't been dragged by this fat
这样和你一起一直走,再久也不累; 和你一起走在夏天的街上,撑着伞遮住阳光; 给你端出凉茶,让你越来越清爽 。这个夏天,有你在很美 。
Walk with you all the time like this, and you won't be tired for a long time; Walk with you in the street in summer, holding an umbrella to cover the sun; You bring out herbal tea, which makes you more and more refreshing This summer, it's beautiful to have you here
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