第3380回:峡谷之王大地裂缝,美国大峡谷地质史( 九 )

有关部门表示,芒特向每人收取了 95美元的登记费,共计收取了数千美元 。法庭文件显示,他被指控提供虚假报告、故意干扰政府雇员、无证招揽业务、违反活动限制和违反新冠疫情限制 。。。
不过到了2022年之后,美国大峡谷解封了,游客大量涌入景区,绝大部分群众并没有戴口罩 。
Jumbo Huang Notes, Grand Canyon National Park, located in northwestern Arizona, is the 15th site in the United States to have been named as a national park. The park's central feature is the Grand Canyon, a gorge of the Colorado River, which is often considered one of the Wonders of the World. The park, which covers 1,217,262 acres (1,901.972 sq mi; 4,926.08 km2) of unincorporated area in Coconino and Mohave counties, received more than six million recreational visitors in 2017, which is the second highest count of all American national parks after Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Grand Canyon was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979. The park celebrated its 100th anniversary on February 26, 2019.
The Grand Canyon became well known to Americans in the 1880s after railroads were built and pioneers developed infrastructure and early tourism. In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt visited the site and said,
The Grand Canyon fills me with awe. It is beyond comparison—beyond description; absolutely unparalleled through-out the wide world ... Let this great wonder of nature remain as it now is. Do nothing to mar its grandeur, sublimity and loveliness. You cannot improve on it. But what you can do is to keep it for your children, your children's children, and all who come after you, as the one great sight which every American should see
