让人感慨万千的朋友圈句子 , 精美独特 , 快乐而长久!
When I was a teenager, I had only reckless personality and wild tenacity
虽然不能在一起 , 但这份爱会一直藏在内心深处 。
Although we can't be together, this love will always be hidden in our hearts
花了很长时间弄清楚的事情 , 总是被偶尔发生的感情爆发所推翻
Things that took a long time to figure out are always overturned by occasional emotional outbursts
【形容感慨万千的朋友圈?朋友圈心情好感慨的句子】别走 , 请呆着 , 也不要伤我的心 , 你不觉得已经够痛了吗?
Don't go, please stay, and don't break my heart Don't you think it hurts enough?
"冬天的意思是休息和积蓄 , 也就是等待明年开花的花吧 。"
"Winter means rest and savings, that is, waiting for flowers to bloom next year"
在时间的追赶中成长的话 , 会发现有时也会忘记 。
If you grow up in the pursuit of time, you will find that sometimes you forget
你踏的地狱是天堂的幻像 , 你向往的伊甸园是地狱的幻像 。
The hell you step on is the illusion of heaven, and the Eden you yearn for is the illusion of hell
只有你能救你 。没有必要为了让别人看而判断 , 也没有必要为了取悦社会而歪曲 。
Only you can save you There is no need to judge for others to see, and there is no need to distort for the sake of pleasing society
人总是在选择悖论中 , 戴着面具 , 燃烧过去 , 武装自己 。
People are always in the paradox of choice, wearing masks, burning in the past and arming themselves
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