我的一些朋友在前进的过程中无法记住,因为他们的记忆太轻了,所以我还不如让自己忘记 。
Some of my friends can't remember in the process of moving forward, because their memory is too light, so I might as well let myself forget.
在那些年月里,那些人年轻而狂野,他们还不知道什么是爱,但他们无法回避它 。
In those years, those people were young and wild. They didn't know what love was, but they couldn't avoid it.
事实上,人与人之间最好的关系是他们永远不会忘记,更不用说生疏了,即使他们从未见过对方 。
In fact, the best relationship between people is that they will never forget, let alone be unfamiliar, even if they have never seen each other.
在中年时期,喝酒是一个 "奖励 "问题,主要是为了一个目的,并被用作社交工具,谨慎地喝酒 。
In middle age, drinking is a "reward" problem, mainly for one purpose, and is used as a social tool to drink carefully.
一个人的世界有悲有喜;有冷有暖 。
A person's world has sorrow and joy; It's cold and warm.
被时间冲刷掉的是我们的激情、热情和感情,而遗忘则会给我们带来意想不到的快乐 。
What is washed away by time is our passion, enthusiasm and feelings, while forgetting will bring us unexpected happiness.
现实一再证明,寻求帮助比依靠自己更好,坚强是最重要的,其他都可以忽略不计 。
Reality has repeatedly proved that seeking help is better than relying on yourself. Being strong is the most important, and everything else can be ignored.
父母的焦虑往往会引起孩子的焦虑,双方的焦虑只能对促进孩子的发展产生消极影响 。
Parents' anxiety often causes children's anxiety, and the anxiety of both sides can only have a negative impact on promoting children's development.
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