
Especially as a woman, once she has a real feeling for a person, she will become blind and believe whatever the other person says.
每当有一方率先放手,这段感情就会以悲剧收场 。
Whenever one party takes the lead in letting go, this relationship will end in tragedy.

更有可能的是,在那之后,他所有的算计都会针对你,让你的生活根本安宁 。
More likely, after that, all his calculations will be aimed at you, which will make your life restless at all.
和他们相处,你能感受到对方的真诚,耐心,用心,这些都是关系好的表现 。

When you get along with them, you can feel each other's sincerity, patience and care. These are all good relations.
在亲人面前,人总是无缘无故的慈悲 。
In front of relatives, people are always merciful for no reason.

在人生的道路上,只有你自己才是自己的摆渡人 。
On the road of life, only you are your own ferryman.
但是,有的男人不行,但是还有很多男人,他真的不会有任何表示 。

However, some men can't, but there are still many men who really won't show anything.
瞬间忘记,其实是自己难得的福气 。
Forgetting instantly is actually a rare blessing for yourself.

做人有一种智慧,叫做韬光养晦 。
There is a kind of wisdom in being a man, which is called keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile.
不用说,如果在以前,你本来是有可能的,但是对方没有来找你,只是拒绝了你,然后和你断绝了联系,去了别人那边,那当然说明他当时对你不是有意的 。

【提醒自己变优秀的句子,要让自己变得越来越好的语句-】Needless to say, if in the past, it was possible for you, but the other party didn't come to you, just refused you, and then cut off contact with you and went to someone else's side, which of course showed that he didn't mean to you at that time.
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