【朋友圈每天一句早安语录?朋友圈早安心语独一无二吸引人】世界上可能有朵像你这样的花,但你是我唯一拥有的玫瑰 。
There may be flowers like you in the world, but you are the only rose I have

没有孤独的一天会使我变得虚弱 。我并不为自己的孤独感到骄傲,但我忍受着它 。
No lonely day will make me weak I am not proud of my loneliness, but I endure it
风景是美丽的,因为它们是被欣赏的;情感是被心所包含的 。
Scenery is beautiful, because they are appreciated; Emotion is contained by the heart

只要你不向挫折屈服,在失败面前保持冷静,并知道如何应对困难,你就会变得强大起来 而成功一定是属于你的! 大多数男人习惯于理性地对待爱情,即使他们在感情上爱上了一个人,但当他们意识到这个女人不是他们理想的妻子时,他们就会抛弃她,另找一个适合他们家庭生活的女人 。
As long as you don't give in to setbacks, stay calm in the face of failures and know how to deal with difficulties, you will become strong and success must belong to you! Most men are used to treating love rationally Even if they fall in love with someone emotionally, when they realize that this woman is not their ideal wife, they will abandon her and find another woman suitable for their family life
你不能给自己我的希望,然后把我推入深渊 。
You can't give yourself my hope and then push me into the abyss

Actually, I know I'm waiting for you
当我们年轻时,我们把路灯看作是月亮 。
When we were young, we regarded street lamps as the moon
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