


Today, we answer a question from a group of friends. They write: "We are Yasemin, Kübra, Hicret, Rukiye, and Nazli and we are writing from Turkey.
今天,我们回答来自一群朋友的问题 。他们写道:"我们是雅斯敏、库伯、黑克利特、卢克和纳兹莉,我们在土耳其写出这封信 。
We would like to learn some idioms about friendship. Thank you".
我们想要学习一些关于朋友的习语 。谢谢 。"
- from Yasemin in Turkey. Dear Yasemin, Thank you for writing to us.
来自土耳其的雅斯敏 。亲爱的雅斯敏:感谢你的来信 。
There are many idioms, or sayings, in English that we use when we want to describe relationships between and among friends. Here are a few to practice with your friends.
英语中有很多描述朋友之间关系的习语或者叫谚语 。下面是几个谚语,你可以和朋友练习使用 。
The idiom "through thick and thin" is used to define a friend who is loyal and supportive during bad times as well as good times. It most often describes a friendship that has been strong for a long time.
成语"同甘共苦"用来描述一个在你顺境或者逆境都很支持你的忠实朋友 。它经常用来描述的是长久以来的牢固友情 。
Here are two examples: John and Lisa have been friends through thick and thin. My best friend and I stayed together through thick and thin.
以下是两个例子:约翰和丽莎是同甘共苦的好朋友 。我最好的朋友一直和我在一起,同甘共苦 。
If two people are "like two peas in a pod," it means that they get along very well. They are two very good friends and they are very similar to each other.
如果两个人"一模一样",这个意思就是他们相处的特别好 。他们是两个非常好的朋友而且非常像对方 。
I have never seen Lola and Cami argue; they are like two peas in a pod. The saying "thick as thieves" means the same thing.
我从未见过罗拉和凯米争论,他们真的很像 。成语"亲密无间(像贼一样亲密)"意思也一样 。
【朋友词语句子大全?关于朋友的一些词】Thieves have to be loyal to each other to avoid arrest. They share secret wrongdoing and the important goal of keeping it secret!
小偷为了避免被抓需要互相忠诚 。他们分享秘密的违法行为,保守秘密是最重要的 。
Some friends are especially sympathetic and easy to talk to. They are not judgmental or impatient.
有些朋友非常有同情心并且很善谈 。他们从不批判别人或者不耐心 。
They are good at sharing our pain, which helps ease our pain. A friend like this is often called "a shoulder to cry on".
他们很善于分享我们的伤痛,这样有助于缓解我们的痛苦 。这样的朋友经常被称为"倾诉对象" 。
We can go to this person with a problem or sadness and they provide comfort. Alyssa is such a great shoulder to cry on.
我们有问题或者不开心的时候可以去找这样的朋友,他们会安慰我们 。艾丽莎是很好的倾诉对象 。
"To hit it off" with someone means to immediately like or get along with someone. This usually happens the first time two people are meeting.
和别人"一见如故"就是说很快就喜欢上某人或者和某人相处的很好 。这个词通常用于两个人第一次见面 。
They often share interests, goals, and beliefs. This can happen between friends or love interests.
他们有共同的兴趣、目标和信仰 。一见如故可以发生在朋友或者情侣之间 。
Carmen and Isabel hit it off at the party and are going to a movie together today. Mike and I did not hit it off on our first date but we are going to try once more.
卡门和伊莎贝拉在派对上一见如故,今天要一起去看电影 。麦克和我在第一次约会并没有喜欢上对方,但是我们决定再尝试一次 。
Thanks for the question from the friend group in Turkey. Hope it helps you all through thick and thin!
感谢土耳其朋友们的问题 。希望能帮到你们这些同甘共苦的朋友 。
And that's Ask a Teacher. What question do you have about American English?
以上就是本期《名师答疑》的全部内容 。你对美式英语有什么问题?
And I'm Greg Stachel.
格雷格·斯达克为您报道 。
