生命中最糟糕的事情不是失去你所爱的人,而是太爱一个人,以至于失去自己 。
The worst thing in life is not to lose someone you love, but to love someone so much that you lose yourself

我想和你一起变老,即使是平凡的,每天听你在我耳边唠叨 。
I want to grow old with you, even ordinary, and listen to your nagging in my ear every day
年轻意味着不回避眼泪 。
Being young means not avoiding tears

风停在窗前,告诉你要爱这个世界 。
The wind stops at the window and tells you to love the world
做一只粘人的小猫并没有错,只要粘上合适的人就可以了 。
There's nothing wrong with being a clingy kitten, just stick to the right person

浪子不会为你回来 你是正常的 。
The prodigal son won't come back for you You are normal
如果没有每件事的最后期限,大多数人有多少时间就花多少时间 。
If there is no deadline for everything, most people will spend as much time as they have

没有理由不在一起度过下一个夏天 。
There is no reason not to spend the next summer together
孩子能否过上 "自己的生活",在很大程度上取决于父母是否给予他们足够的爱和自由!
Whether children can live their own lives depends to a great extent on whether parents give them enough love and freedom!

婴儿是如此美妙的生命 。昨天我心情不好,肚子不舒服+不能呼吸,隐隐约约觉得不舒服+背疼 。
【暖心火爆朋友圈的句子?每日精选朋友圈句子,暖心现实,总有一句你会喜欢的】Babies are such wonderful lives Yesterday, I was in a bad mood, my stomach was uncomfortable+I couldn't breathe, and I vaguely felt uncomfortable+my back hurt
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