
(1)、秋天是丰收的季节,遍地金闪闪、黄澄澄的,秋天的田野更是非同一般 。
(1) Autumn is a harvest season. It is glittering and yellow everywhere. The fields in autumn are even more extraordinary.
(2)、秋天就像一幅美丽的画卷,充满诗情画意;秋天就像上帝赋予人类的礼物,洋溢丰收的喜悦;秋天就像是出海归来的渔船,满载人们的欣喜 。
(2) Autumn is like a beautiful picture, full of poetry and painting; Autumn is like God's gift to mankind, full of the joy of harvest; Autumn is like a fishing boat returning from the sea, full of people's joy.
(3)、秋天的落叶像一支支黄色蝴蝶,振动翅膀,自由飞翔 。
(3) Autumn leaves, like yellow butterflies, vibrate their wings and fly freely.
(4)、秋像位温柔的母亲,用满兜的果实招待大自然的孩子们 。
(4) Autumn is like a gentle mother, entertaining the children of nature with a full bag of fruits.
(5)、秋像一位慈爱的老者,枝枝叶叶都在诉说春夏的故事 。
(5) Autumn is like a loving old man. All branches and leaves are telling stories of spring and summer.
(6)、秋天虽不像春天那样娇嫩;不像夏天那样迷人;不像冬天那样冷峻 。
(6) Autumn is not as delicate as spring; Not as charming as summer; It's not as cold as winter.


(7)、秋天像傍晚的星星,指引人们的行程 。
(7) Autumn is like evening stars, guiding people's journey.
(8)、秋天就像一幅美丽的画卷,充满诗情画意 。
(8) Autumn is like a beautiful picture, full of poetry and painting.
(9)、秋天像美丽的山水,洋意画意的诗情 。
(9) Autumn is like a beautiful landscape with foreign and picturesque poetry.
(10)、秋天的田野,一片金黄,好像给大地铺上了一层金黄色的地毯 。
(10) In autumn, the fields are golden, as if the earth was covered with a golden carpet.
(11)、秋天就像是出海归来的渔船,满载人们的欣喜;秋天就像一幅美丽的画卷,充满诗情画意;秋天就像上帝赋予人类的礼物,洋溢丰收的喜悦 。
(11) Autumn is like a fishing boat returning from the sea, full of people's joy; Autumn is like a beautiful picture, full of poetry and painting; Autumn is like God's gift to mankind, full of the joy of harvest.
(12)、秋天的田野景色多么迷人,像一幅美丽的画卷 。
(12) How charming the field scenery in autumn is, like a beautiful picture.
(13)、秋天像上帝赋予人类的礼物,洋溢丰收的喜悦 。
(13) Autumn is like a gift given to mankind by God, full of the joy of harvest.
(14)、秋天像是一片落叶,落下地来,带走了夏天的炎热,带走了夏天的烦躁,带给人一个清爽的季节 。
(14) Autumn is like a fallen leaf, falling to the ground, taking away the heat of summer, taking away the irritability of summer, and bringing people a refreshing season.
(15)、校园的花坛里落着从树上落下来的几片黄叶,人们的呼吸在的空气中凝成了乳白色的热气 。
(15) In the flower bed of the campus, there are several yellow leaves falling from the trees. People's breathing condenses into milky hot air in the air.
(16)、山坡上,一穗穗的高梁高傲地矗立着 。秋风吹来,它们象一把把胜利的火把,高兴地晃动着 。
(16) On the hillside, spikes of sorghum stand proudly. When the autumn wind blows, they shake happily like a torch of victory.
(17)、秋天像是一首歌,谱写了生命的不朽 。
(17) Autumn is like a song, composing the immortality of life.
(18)、秋光绚丽,金风送爽,如海的高粱举起火把,无边的大豆摇响铜铃 。
(18) The autumn light is gorgeous and the golden wind is cool. Sorghum like the sea raises a torch and boundless soybeans ring a copper bell.
(19)、秋雨后,果园里的水果都戴上了一条珍珠项链 。用手去摇晃树枝,那一条条珍珠项链都不约而同的掉下来 。
(19) After the autumn rain, all the fruits in the orchard wear a pearl necklace. Shaking the branches with your hands, the pearl necklaces fell down.
(20)、秋天,像一位含辛茹苦的母亲,用辛勤的汗水成就了儿女 。
(20) Autumn, like a hard-working mother, has achieved her children with her hard sweat.
(21)、金色的秋天来了,天空像一块覆盖大地的蓝宝石,它已经被秋风抹拭得非常洁净而美丽 。
(21) the golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.
(22)、秋天来了,她像个调皮的孩子在做游戏,一会儿也不闲着 。
(22) autumn is coming. She is playing games like a naughty child and is not idle for a while.
