(一)、人生每一段路都有不一样的风景,懂得欣赏就不会有遗憾 。
(1) Every section of life has different scenery. If you know how to appreciate it, you will have no regrets.
(二)、山虽然以石为怀,却从不嫌弃泥土,始终与泥土相依相伴 。
(2) Although the mountains are surrounded by stones, they never dislike the soil and always depend on the soil.
(三)、我想,一个背包,一个相机,一张车票,一个人,或许还有一个你,走向远方,那有我的脚印,走在路上,留下的痕迹叫青春 。
(3) I think, a backpack, a camera, a ticket, a person, maybe you, go to the distance, there are my footprints, walking on the road, the traces left are called youth.
(四)、旷远,深沉,水天无垠,满眼都是浪的跳动,波的闪光 。
(4) , broad and deep, the water and sky are boundless, and the eyes are full of the beat and flash of waves.
(五)、登山止步半山腰,粗气连连意志消 。望远难攀高处去,险峰咫尺却遥遥 。
(5) The mountain climbing stops halfway up the mountain, and the coarse air disappears again and again. It is difficult to climb high from a distance, but the dangerous peaks are close at hand but far away.
(六)、晚上好!雨过天晴,人人精神爽快,尽情享受那份恬静的秋意 。
(6) Good evening! After the rain, everyone is refreshed and enjoys the quiet autumn.
(七)、站在海边心情豁然开朗了,人要有像大海般的胸怀 。
(7) Standing by the sea, the mood suddenly brightens. People should have a mind like the sea.
(八)、一路走走停停,看着自然风光,可以让自己的心沉静下来 。
(8) Walking and stopping all the way and looking at the natural scenery can calm your heart.
(九)、梦里爱江南,竹船湖水边,一支情歌两人唱,笑的是玉莲 。
(9) I love the south of the Yangtze River in my dream. There is a love song by the water of Zhuchuan lake. They sing it and laugh at Yulian.
(十)、月光不是罕有的风景,每月,农历十五都是月圆之夜 。
(10) Moonlight is not a rare scenery. Every month, the 15th day of the lunar calendar is the night of the full moon.
(十一)、何必羡慕别人,你站在桥上看风景,又怎知,你不是别人眼中的风景 。
(11) Why envy others? You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery. How do you know that you are not the scenery in the eyes of others.
(十二)、听到忘情处,掬三分流水,拈七分春色,酿十分蜜甜 。
(12) At the place where you forget your feelings, hold three parts of water and seven parts of spring, making it very sweet.
(十三)、远离城市的一切喧嚣,来到心旷神怡的海边,与蓝天白云相伴 。
(13) Stay away from all the hustle and bustle of the city and come to the relaxed and happy seaside, accompanied by blue sky and white clouds.
(十四)、岁月静好,愿有人陪你走遍世界海岛,享受属于自己的阳光沙滩浪漫 。
(14) Years are quiet. I wish someone to accompany you around the world's islands and enjoy your own sunshine and beach romance.
(十五)、心累时,出去走走,会遇见别样的风景,想通了,释怀了,就快乐了 。
(15) When you are tired, you will meet different scenery when you go out for a walk. If you figure it out and let go, you will be happy.
(十六)、旅行的梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步 。
(16) The dream of traveling is not extravagant, as long as you take the first step bravely.
(十七)、在路上,不为旅行,不因某人,只为在未知的途中遇见未知的自己 。
(17) On the road, not for travel, not for someone, just to meet the unknown yourself on the unknown way.
(18) I have beauty in my heart and scenery in my eyes. The scenery here is unique! Right at the door!
(十九)、春意漫过,微醺了湖泊;柔软光芒,剪辑缱绻轮廓 。
(19) , spring overflowed, slightly drunk the lake; Soft light, clip the outline of love.
(二十)、有时候,到处走走,看看风景,心情也会放松很多 。
(20) Sometimes, walking around and seeing the scenery will relax a lot.
(21) Now Huashan, in addition to strange and dangerous, there are endless beautiful scenery at a glance!
(二十二)、驾一叶小艇,乘风破浪搏击浪涛,亲近自然,投入海的胸怀 。
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