自古以来,深情不可阻挡 。只有套路才能赢得人心 。在这个长期卡在套路中的世界里,套路在手,你不会错过 。
Since ancient times, deep affection has been unstoppable. Only routine can win people's hearts. In this world that has been stuck in routines for a long time, you can't miss routines.
他对你也一样 。
He does the same for you.
但你不一样 。你是他在乎的人 。他希望你多关心他,所以他会主动和你交流,经常展示他的魅力 。
But you are different. It's someone you care about. He wants you to care more about him, so he will actively communicate with you and often show his charm.
人在谈恋爱的时候,一定要有骨气,不能自卑,不能自欺欺人 。
When people are in love, they must have backbone, not feel inferior, and not deceive themselves.
Your life, I don't want to ask again.
人心是多么的真实,通过观察别人对自己家人的态度,才能真正知道自己在别人心中的位置 。
How real the human heart is, you can really know your position in others' hearts by observing others' attitudes towards your family.
在感情的世界里,最痛苦的不是分手,而是让你蒙在鼓里,即使对方不爱你了 。
In the emotional world, the most painful thing is not to break up, but to keep you in the dark, even if the other party doesn't love you.
结果,任何想离开的人都无法留下 。她沙哑的嗓音,不仅让他特别难受,还让他很为难 。
As a result, anyone who wants to leave can't stay. Her hoarse voice not only made him particularly uncomfortable, but also embarrassed him.
没结婚的时候,身边没人的时候,一个人可以和她想约会的人,想约会的人,暧昧的人,但一旦确定了关系,他甚至进入了婚姻,对待对方人很好,本来就是这样,这是必须的 。
When you are not married, when there is no one around you, a person can meet with the person she wants to date, the person she wants to date, the ambiguous person, but once the relationship is established, he even enters into marriage and treats the other person very well, which is what it is, and it is necessary.
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