日常发朋友圈的心情文案 , 干净洒脱 , 送给迷茫的你
当我找你的时候 , 我想到了你;当我不找你的时候 , 我在脑子里想到了你 。
When I was looking for you, I thought of you; When I'm not looking for you, I think of you in my mind
People's energy = thought+action speed squared
不要总是对别人不满 , 要经常检讨自己 。对别人不满意就像对自己不满意 。
Don't always be dissatisfied with others, always review yourself Being dissatisfied with others is like being dissatisfied with yourself
我们终于可以结束腐烂的日子 , 转而享受数英里的阳光 。
Finally, we can end the rotten days and enjoy miles of sunshine instead
对于那些不敢全力追求梦想的人来说 , 总有一天 , 你搁置的梦想会以自己的方式冲击你 。
For those who dare not pursue their dreams with all their might, one day, the dreams you put on hold will impact you in their own way
【心情不错的朋友圈文案?心态好的朋友圈简短文案】What's wrong with smoking, drinking and dancing?
一个热爱生活的人 , 会有一张用月亮做成的渔网 , 即使在黑暗中也能捕捉到善良的星光 。
A person who loves life will have a fishing net made of the moon, which can catch kind starlight even in the dark
在每个人的心中都有一扇从未被打开的门 。它充满了我们最难忘的命运、家庭纽带、爱情和情感 。
In everyone's heart, there is a door that has never been opened It is full of our most unforgettable destiny, family ties, love and emotions
坚持下去 , 再坚持下去 。成功就在你面前 。
Hang in there, hang in there Success is in front of you
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