小出保太郎去年被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为世界最高龄男子 。本周二小出在日本中部城市名古屋某医院去世,享年112岁 。
The world s oldest man Yasutaro Koide died on Tuesday aged 112 years old at a hospital in Nagoya, central Japan.
世界最长寿男子小出保太郎于本周二在日本中部城市名古屋某医院逝世,享年112岁 。
Koide, who was born in Fukui Prefecture on March 13, 1903 and worked as a tailor, was certified in August last year by the Guinness World Records as being the world s oldest man.
小出保太郎于1903年3月13日出生在福井县,曾经是一名裁缝 。他在去年八月份被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为全球最高龄男性 。
The record-holding tailor finished his career after moving to work in Osaka, producing formal wear for special occasions.

他曾为工作搬去大阪,在那里制作特殊场合穿的正装,这是这位拥有世界纪录的裁缝最后一段职业生涯 。
Local media quoted the granddaughter of the centenarian as saying that her grandfather was constantly at his sewing machine, hand-making a wide variety of clothes, from formal wear to underwear.
据当地媒体报道,这位百岁老人的孙女曾回忆道:他一直守在缝纫机前,乐忠于制作从正装到内衣的各式各样的衣服 。
"Not pushing oneself and being happy about everything," was Koide s secret to living a long life, he told reporters upon being awarded with the world record last year.
小出保太郎在去年被授予世界纪录时,跟采访人员分享了他的长寿秘籍:“做事不要勉强,开心对待一切事情 。”
Koide became the world s oldest man following the death of Sakari Momoi from Saitama Prefecture in July last year who was also 112 years old.
日本埼玉县的盛桃井薰于去年七月份去世,同样享年112岁 。他去世之后小出成为了世界最高龄男子 。
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, relatives of Koide said he passed away following being admitted to a hospital in Nagoya for heart disease, having fallen ill a month earlier.
周二凌晨,小出的家属确认其在名古屋某医院因心脏疾病逝世,一个月前出现疾病症状 。
The oldest man in Japan is now Masamitsu Yoshida who is 111 years old and lives in Tokyo.
【吉尼斯世界纪录寿命最长的人?吉尼斯最长寿世界纪录_1】据报道,小出去世后日本目前最高龄男性是111岁的东京男子吉田正光 。
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