某些忧虑是凭空产生的,而我们却把它们当作真实的东西来忍受 。
Some worries are born out of thin air, but we bear them as real things
每日晨练不仅是为了强身健体,也是为了展示生活中的顽强精神 。
Daily morning exercises are not only to keep fit, but also to show the indomitable spirit in life
How to solve your problem: Is hugging the only way?
今天,我在早上点还在睡觉,为在车站等我的人感到遗憾 。
Today, I was still sleeping at o'clock in the morning, feeling sorry for the people waiting for me at the station
简短签名:别忘了你的初恋 。
Signature: Don't forget your first love
那些你可以尽情地哭、笑和嬉戏的日子,那些你固执地一直仰望天空的日子--回头看,你真的不能再回到那些日子了 。
Those days when you can cry, laugh and play heartily, those days when you stubbornly look up at the sky-looking back, you really can't go back to those days
男人就像桃子一样,外软内硬,所以要慢慢咀嚼 。女人就像鸡蛋,外面很硬,里面很软,所以应该轻拿轻放 。
Men are like peaches, soft on the outside and hard on the inside, so chew them slowly Women are like eggs They are hard on the outside and soft on the inside, so they should be handled with care
我从来没有见过你,我也没有什么可以给你的 。把我交给你怎么样?
I have never met you, and I have nothing to give you How about I give it to you?
【很精辟的生活感悟语录?每日简短语录气质_1】"大家都说迪士尼是世界上最幸福的地方" 。实际上,那是因为你不能在身边 。"
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