发朋友圈的句子 人生?发朋友圈关于人生的精辟短句_1
朋友圈关于人生的经典句子 , 发朋友圈首选!
我尝试了一些我知道会不成功的事情 。
I tried something that I knew would be unsuccessful
在生活中 , 有几样东西你永远不应该失去:自我控制的力量、冷静的头脑、希望和信仰 。
There are several things in life that you should never lose: the power of self-control, a cool head, hope and faith
不要太在意一些人说的话 , 因为他们有一张嘴 , 但不一定有脑子 。
【发朋友圈的句子 人生?发朋友圈关于人生的精辟短句_1】Don't pay too much attention to what some people say, because they have a mouth, but they don't necessarily have brains
我把你的名字写在雪地上 , 写在冬天有窗花的玻璃上 。后来我把你的名字写在你的手掌上 , 再后来我把户口本的那一页贴在你的后面 。
I'll write your name on the snow, on the glass with window grilles in winter Later, I wrote your name on the palm of your hand, and then I pasted the page of the household registration book behind you
我想再次投入你的怀抱 , 我想你再次擦干我的眼泪 , 我想你再次抱着我 , 我想再次亲吻你的脸 , 我想你说你爱我!" 。
I want to throw myself into your arms again, I want you to dry my tears again, I want you to hold me again, I want to kiss your face again, and I want you to say that you love me! " 。
多愁善感 你在夜里品尝巴黎的味道 , 你在雪白的北京大步走过 , 你在书中收集所有你喜欢的真理 。
Sentimental You taste the taste of Paris at night, you stride through the snowy Beijing, and you collect all the truth you like in the book
我可能很少陷入严重的争论了 。要么我理解 , 要么我远离 。
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