我一生中最大的遗憾不是我错过了最好的人,而是我错过了会为我做得最好的人 。
The biggest regret in my life is not that I missed the best person, but that I missed the one who would do the best for me
够了,停下来,不要再露面了 。
That's enough Stop Don't show up again
You are mine, from inside to outside, from top to bottom!
生活并不因为你长得好看而感到遗憾 。在工作场所只有竞争,没有性别 。要加入高质量的圈子并拥有关系,你必须首先获得权力 。
Life doesn't regret that you are beautiful There is only competition in the workplace, no gender To join a high-quality circle and have relationships, you must first gain power
我说我想说的话,做我想做的事,爱我想爱的人,这就是我想要的生活 。
Say what I want to say, do what I want to do, and love the person I want to love This is the life I want
太阳、月亮、云彩和鸟儿在这片天空中都很美丽,然后才有人来只选择一颗星星 。
【很有个性的签名句子?写个性签名的优美的句子】The sun, the moon, the clouds and the birds are all beautiful in this sky, and then someone comes to choose only one star
而且,希望我们将继续成为我们,而不是从我们变成我或你 。
Moreover, I hope we will continue to be us, not me or you from us
妇女女人一生都在谈论男人,阅读男人,永远抱怨男人 。
Women Women talk about men all their lives, read men and always complain about men
我们都劝她说,她太忙了,对那么多人都说好,她不能帮助别人找她,这一定很累人 。她笑了,说她不忍心拒绝,因为我们都是同学和朋友 。
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