他对待你的方式会让你慢慢放下防备 。让你愿意相信他,亲近他,爱上他 。
The way he treats you will slow you down. Make you want to believe him, get close to him and fall in love with him.

遗憾的是,回首现实生活,还是有一些人对爱情缺乏最起码的尊重 。
Unfortunately, looking back at real life, there are still some people who lack the minimum respect for love.
注定要在一起的两个人,会在许多转折和跌跌撞撞后重归于好 。

Two people who are destined to be together will get back together after many twists and turns.
人性之罪,就是欺软怕硬,欺善怕恶 。
The sin of human nature is to bully the soft and fear the hard, bully the good and fear the evil.

有人可能会说孤独者正在逃避某事,但事实并非如此 。
Some people may say that lonely people are running away from something, but this is not the case.

Life is bittersweet, and it is also a kind of practice.
奉承不会帮助你得到男人的爱,只会让你更卑微,更便宜 。没有男人会珍惜一个卑微贱贱的女人,竭尽全力讨好女人,结果却一无所获 。
Flattery won't help you get a man's love, it will only make you more humble and cheaper. No man will cherish a humble woman, try his best to please her, but get nothing.

【安慰女生的句子说说心情短语?安慰最暖心短句给女生】一个人的自律决定了一个人的未来 。只有严于律己的人才有能力与生命抗争 。
One's self-discipline determines one's future. Only those who are strict with themselves have the ability to fight against life.
当一个男人问你在哪里时,他实际上是在暗示他想你 。如果你相隔很远,他会朝着你的方向移动,默默地传达他的想法;但如果你在同一个地方,他会马不停蹄地冲到你身边 。

When a man asks where you are, he is actually implying that he misses you. If you are far apart, he will move in your direction and silently convey his thoughts; But if you are in the same place, he will rush to you without stopping.
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