我有两个我 。一个冷漠,一个热情,你如何对待我,我如何对待你 。
I have two me A cold, a warm, how you treat me, how I treat you
"你就像一台摄像机 。""你为什么这么说?""当我看到你时,我无法阻止我的嘴角露出来 。"
"You are like a video camera" "Why do you say that?" "When I see you, I can't stop my mouth from sticking out"
"我开始留长发,我开始改变我的风格,我开始享受温柔,成为最好的自己 。"
"I started to grow long hair, I started to change my style, I started to enjoy gentleness and become the best of myself"
成为优秀的碎片,它也可以把整个星系放在一起 。
To be an excellent fragment, it can also put the whole galaxy together
如果此刻有人抱着我,我就会哭一下,如果没有,那我就会再坚持一下 。
If someone holds me now, I will cry If not, I will hold on
养成每天写点东西的习惯,哪怕是记录,哪怕只是几个字 。
Get into the habit of writing something every day, even if it is a record, even if it is just a few words
抹去你的是我,暗中跟踪你的也是我 。
I'm the one who erased you, and I'm the one who stalked you
平等对待你的梦想,与喧嚣保持距离 。
Treat your dreams equally and keep a distance from the noise
【个性签名好心情?表达心情的个性签名简短】时间是链子,幸福是珠子,用链子系上珠子,挂在胸前,就能幸福一辈子 。幸福是石头,问题是沙子,用筛子疏导沙子,幸福将伴随你的余生 。
It's a chain of time, and happiness is a bead If you tie the bead with a chain and hang it on your chest, you will be happy all your life Happiness is a stone, the problem is sand Use a sieve to dredge the sand, and happiness will accompany you for the rest of your life
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