男人的心思真的隐藏的这么深 , 这么好吗?
Man's mind is really hidden so deep, so good?
你可以接近她 。
You can get close to her.
很多人可能会惊讶 , 但是感情世界就是这么出乎意料 。不说 , 原来《凉薄》里的女人是不能让男人失望的 。
【2021最新个性签名霸气?迎接2021个性签名】Many people may be surprised, but the emotional world is so unexpected. I have to say that women in cool thin can't let men down.
也许你会把男人的个人条件放在第一位 , 以为只要男人的个人条件好 , 就可以抵消其他的不足 。
Maybe you will put men's personal conditions first, thinking that as long as men's personal conditions are good, they can offset other deficiencies.
一个女人把自己深厚的感情投入到努力中 , 无论男人是否领情 , 她都会继续这样做下去 。
A woman puts her deep feelings into her efforts, and she will continue to do so whether men appreciate it or not.
一个说“我好想找个好男人嫁”的女人 , 总是在期待爱情的到来 。如果你能让她看到你的内心 , 感受到爱情带来的温暖 , 也许用不了多久 , 她就会把自己托付给你 。
A woman who says "I really want to find a good man to marry" is always looking forward to the arrival of love. If you can let her see your heart and feel the warmth of love, maybe it won't be long before she entrusts herself to you.
虽然有很多男人表面上看起来漠不关心 , 但内心总是充满忧虑 。因为太害怕了 , 一直在想 。
Although many men seem indifferent on the surface, their hearts are always full of worries. I've been thinking because I'm too scared.
不管他以什么理由冷落你 , 都不要执着于此 , 尽快让自己冷静下来 , 尝试用“普鲁斯特效应”改变局面 , 让最后的结果如你所愿 。
No matter what reason he snubbed you, don't cling to it, calm yourself down as soon as possible, try to change the situation with the "Proust effect", and make the final result as you wish.
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