从感性到理性 经典语句?感性的说说心情随笔
幸运是什么? 耳朵听不见是非,眼睛看不见争斗,嘴里说不出伤人的话 。
What is luck? Ears can't hear right and wrong, eyes can't see fights, and mouth can't say anything hurtful
拥抱你的我比国王富裕; 失去你的我比乞丐落魄 。
I am richer than the king who embraces you; I'm worse off than a beggar without you
我知道遥远的相思树很痛苦,但我选择了相思树; 我知道梦中的邂逅短暂,但我选择了做梦; 我知道你的心又痛又痛,但我选择了永远等待 。
I know that the distant acacia tree is very painful, but I chose acacia tree; I knew that the encounter in my dream was short, but I chose to dream; I know your heart is in pain, but I chose to wait forever
Meeting you, I know that this world is really destined
讲究“说点,留点”,然后自己揣摩,给自己留余地,给别人留面子 。
Pay attention to "speak a little, save some", then figure it out by yourself, make room for yourself and save face for others
做人很难 。如果你对所有人说实话,就交不到知心朋友 。
It's hard to be a man If you tell the truth to everyone, you won't make bosom friends
我喝的不是酒,而是难以下咽的心事 。
What I'm drinking is not wine, but something I can't swallow
【从感性到理性 经典语句?感性的说说心情随笔】Ding is not afraid of pride, frost and snow, wings are growing, wings are flying, and he wants to be crowned with golden phoenix dance
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