
_原题为 “潜力股”来了!可穿戴设备将成旅行者通行证
旅游推动经济的发展 , 在旅游出行逐渐复苏 , 人际接触慢慢恢复正常的当下 , 可穿戴设备将发挥哪些作用?我们推出西班牙艾玛迪斯公司发表的文章《可穿戴设备 , 旅游科技的下一拐点?》

Apple Watch 问世迄今仅有五个年头 , 但就在这短短的五年间 , 以其为代表的可穿戴设备迅速崛起并被应用至许多行业领域 , 这门专为随身穿戴而生的技术 , 已经彻底改变了许多人在运动、饮食、睡眠等领域的习惯 。
In just a few short years since the launch of the original Apple Watch in 2015 ,wearable technology has gone from being used in very niche applications to being everywhere ,changing the way we exercise ,communicate ,eat and even sleep.
今年 , 可穿戴设备有望在市场进一步扎根、实现普及 。 突发的新冠肺炎疫情让越来越多的人认识到这项技术的潜力所在——在旅游出行逐渐复苏 , 人际接触慢慢恢复正常的当下 , 其便捷、无接触的体验特性将有助于缓解人们在公共卫生方面的焦虑 。
This year will be even more crucial for solidifying the role of wearable technology in our lives. The sudden outbreak of the recent pandemic made people realize the potential of the technology to power a more convenient ,touchless experience addressing the hygiene issue ,which will be on everyone’s minds when mass travelling re-starts.
IDC数据显示 , 2020年可穿戴设备市场将表现稳定 , 保有30%的复合增长率 。
This will ensure the wearables are here to stay and further envolving - according to the data from IDC ,the research agency projects an approximately 30% growth of the wearables market in 2020.
实际上 , 可穿戴技术在旅游业有相当的潜力 , 通过打造自动式的无缝旅行体验 , 让消费者尽享旅行旨趣 , 可穿戴设备有望让人们的旅途面目一新 。
In fact ,wearable technology has the potential to completely transform journeys ,by making them seamless and automated ,while helping to ensure personal safety and address health-related concerns ,so travellers can focus on and enjoy the act of travelling.
亚太现已成为可穿戴设备保有量最大的地区 , 对旅游从业者而言 , 潜在的巨大发展机遇不容小觑 。
With Asia Pacific already the most concentrated region for device ownership , the wearables opportunity is now too big for the travel industry to ignore.

Parallel reality for hyper-personalized airport experiences
想象一下这样的情景 , 在进入机场后 , 机场显示屏可恰好在你需要的时候 , 使用你常用的语言提供定制式讯息 。
Imagine walking through an airport and seeing display screens that are completely tailored for you ,in your language and at the exact time that you need it.
这一仿佛科幻小说中的情景正在成为现实 。 此项名为“平行现实”的技术已在部分航司进入测试实验阶段 。
It may sound like something straight out of science fiction ,but this technology is already being beta tested by some airlines.
如果一切顺利 , 它将迅速投产应用 , 为乘客提供完全个性化的寻路信息 , 以及包括航班状态变更、登机时间变化在内的旅行资讯 。
If successful ,could quickly become mainstream to provide passengers with completely personalized wayfinding and travel information in the terminal ,from personalized flight updates to boarding time and upgrade status.
作为此项划时代技术的研发公司 , Misapplied Sciences广泛探讨了可穿戴设备在机场应用的可能性 , 它将可以支持数百名乘客同时共享数字屏或指示牌 , 但各自接收个性化内容 。
Misapplied Sciences ,the company behind this revolutionary ‘parallel reality’ technology ,talk about the potential for hundreds of passengers to simultaneously share a digital display ,sign or light and each see something different - all made possible by wearables.
