穿戴|“潜力股”来了!可穿戴设备将成旅行者通行证( 二 )
今年初 , 达美航空宣布与Misapplied Sciences开展相关合作 , 并计划于底特律大都会机场进行首个试点项目 。
Earlier this year ,Delta Air Lines announced that the company is aiming to pilot the display with this technology at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
一旦“平行现实”投入应用 , 机场寻路将就此变得轻松容易 , 乘客不会说当地语言也不再是问题 。
At its simplest ,this has the potential to make wayfinding much easier ,even for passengers who don’t speak the local language.
此外 , 这款应用一旦正式投用 , 旅业在客户服务和营销方面也将迎接全新可能 。
But the possibilities for enhanced customer service and marketing ,once it is up and running ,are enormous too.
Seamless passenger processing
今时今日 , 不少旅客都选择使用手机电子客票代替纸质机票登机 , 这一电子代替纸质的过渡发生得迅速且自然 。
Many travelers already recognize the benefits of e-tickets on their phones replacing paper copies – a transition that happened so naturally ,that many may not have actively noticed it.
接下来 , 可穿戴设备或将代替手机 , 成为新型“客票” , 旅客甚至无需扫描手机 , 即可拥有更为顺畅的值机体验 。
The logical evolution from this is for wearables to be used as the new ‘ticket’ so that passengers can pass through airports even more seamlessly ,without even having to scan their phones.
从技术上来看 , 目前Apple Watch 已经支持锁定单个代码于屏幕上 , 也支持通过应用软件、数字钱包等服务 , 依据用户在机场的实时位置 , 恰到好处地推送其旅行证件 。
On Apple Watches ,a single code could be locked on the screen. Or a service in the form of an app or digital wallet ,for example ,could be used to push travel documents to the wearable user at the exact time that they are needed ,based on their location in the airport.
这样一来 , 可穿戴设备即成为旅客的旅行“身份证” , 从行李托运到登机 , 乘客的机场体验愈加“无缝化” 。
Ultimately ,the wearable becomes the traveler’s trip ID ,allowing passengers to pass from baggage drop to gate with minimal ‘friction’.
这一支持“理想照进现实”的技术已经存在 , 但机场和航司仍需确保这一技术与面部识别等生物识别技术齐头并进 , 以兼顾便利与安全 。
The technology already exists to make this a reality ,but airports and airlines need to ensure that implementation goes hand-in-hand with advances in biometrics (like facial recognition) to guarantee that safety and security keep pace with ease of movement.
同时 , 一旦相关基础设施真正落实就位 , 技术应用范围或不仅限于值机办理 , 更有望为乘客提供有关行李实时位置、目的地交通、天气等方面的最新讯息 。
Once the infrastructure around this is in place though ,the possible applications also extend well beyond passenger processing ,with the potential for the passenger to receive real-time information on the location of their baggage and details about their destination – from weather to traffic updates.
可穿戴的旅行“身份证”让许多设想变得触手可及 。
All made possible due to their wearable trip ID.
Enhanced in-flight services
除了在航站楼大展身手之外 , 可穿戴设备还有望革新机上体验 。
Beyond the terminal ,wearables have the potential to shake up the in-flight experience too.
近年来 , 得益于可穿戴技术的不断发展 , 现在乘务人员可获得乘客诸如体温、水合状态、焦虑程度和生物钟等在内的信息 , 并依据情报及时洞察乘客需求 , 打造尽可能舒适的飞行体验 。
Advances in wearable technology in recent years means that everything from a passenger’s temperature to hydration levels ,anxiety and their body clock could be measured and used by cabin crew to pre-empt specific needs and make the flight as comfortable as possible.
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