sheep|“Separate the sheep from the goats”可不单是“区分绵羊和山羊”的意思哟!
北京联盟_本文原题:“Separate the sheep from the goats”可不单是“区分绵羊和山羊”的意思哟!
separate the sheep from the goats
短语“separate the sheep from the goats”并不只是“区分绵羊和山羊”的意思 , 还有“ 区分好人和坏人”的含义 。 小伙伴们可能会奇怪为什么要这样来引申呢?
这要从它的起源说起 , 一起看看吧!在《圣经》中耶稣常为未成年的“羔羊(lamb)” , 而信徒们却是成年的“绵羊(sheep)” 。 《圣经》中 , 羊象征耶稣主要是是因为人们认为 , 羊具备心地善良等等许多人类所具有的高贵品质 因而基督教徒对它的赞扬几乎达到登峰造极的地步 。而山羊“goat”富含贬义 , 例如短语“act the goat”(行为愚蠢)和“old goat”(老色鬼) 。
1.Ms. anderson always separate the sheep from the goatsin her classes. she puts naughty boys in front so as to keep an eye on them.
安德森女士总是将班上的学生分开 , 让调皮的男生坐在前面好看管他们 。
2. The first thing to do with all these applicants is to separate the sheep from the goats and call only the good ones for an interview.
就这些申请者而言 , 首选要做的事是进行挑选 , 然后只叫好的申请者来面试 。
separate the sheep from the goats
black sheep
短语“black sheep”在之前一期有分享过 , 它并不是表面所表达的“黑羊”意思 , 而是“败家子 , 害群之马”的意思 。
1.But we should be aware not to let the black sheep take the lead.
但是 , 我们不应能让那些害群之马来领头 。
2. He is a black sheep; he likes black tea.
他是个败家子;他喜欢喝红茶 。
black sheep
return to one's sheep
短语“return to one's sheep”是“ 回到本题 , 回归正题”的意思 , 有说法认为这个短语来源 于一首法语诗:多情的牧羊男女在牧场上谈恋爱 , 但最终还是要 , 回到自己的羊群中来 , 回到现实 。
Return to my sheep ,I won't let you go.
好了 , 言归正传 , 我是不会让你走的 。
return to one's sheep
a wolf in sheep's clothing
这个短语所表达的含义是“ 披着羊皮的狼” , 看几个例句吧!
1.What I loved about this car is that it was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
我喜欢这款车因为它简直是一只披着羊皮的狼 。
2.He joined the party and turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothingbecause he was sent to infiltrate our group for the extreme right wingers.
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