转自Urban Dictionary, August 15: Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?bros before hoesA term used between male friends when one of them has become a whipped pussy ass bitch over a girl who in most cases is a tease. when this golden rule is forgetten, the friendship and even brotherly bonds that are shared between the bros can be broken down. Remember, take care of the bros, and they\u0026#39;ll take care of you. The high school fling will end and six monts later, no one, not even you, will remember it, but your bros will still be there, untill the day you keel over and die. In other words, unless you plan to mary her, hang with the dudes, and if you do plan to marry her, she\u0026#39;ll understand if you say you made plans with your friends; and if she\u0026#39;s not a bitch she\u0026#39;ll get over it. if she gets pissy she\u0026#39;s not worth it and most likly klingy.看情况他应该找到真爱了,祝福吧,而且朋友本来就是流动的,如果他把你当朋友,那么定期聚个一次应该不成问题,没听说过啥女朋友还需要每分每秒在一起的,再说我见到的都是带着女朋友一起来high。。。
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