怎样看待impossible food的人造牛肉

TED演讲:不再杀害动物来获取皮和肉:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av781686Impossible Food并不是唯一销售带血的植物肉饼的“假肉”公司。2016年5月,总部设在洛杉矶的“超越肉类”公司(Beyond Meat)因推出“超越汉堡”(Beyond Burger)而成为头条新闻。这种豌豆蛋白汉堡能够像真正的肉一样在锅里嗞嗞作响,而且还会“流出”牛肉汁。这种汉堡在科罗拉多州博尔德的全食超市上市后很快销售一空:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5ODU5NDgyMg==\u0026amp;mid=2653931038\u0026amp;idx=1\u0026amp;sn=c85f3752966938c3de732f70004099b3,http://jiasuhui.com/archives/75887更多相关资讯:3D打印牛奶:https://site.douban.com/112017/widget/notes/1521190/note/579757389Google曾出价两亿收购Impossible Food遭拒:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NDgxNzU5OA==\u0026amp;mid=207727702\u0026amp;idx=1\u0026amp;sn=1ceae1982e72efa859763656523d9d96#wechat_redirect2500万美元投资肉蛋奶代替品创新企业,这家公司的目标是让动物制品不再流行!:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5ODk1NDE0MQ==\u0026amp;mid=2650629931\u0026amp;idx=1\u0026amp;sn=432b8db30ccd3cd8a6c668bd24932524\u0026amp;scene=0#wechat_redirect不可思议的仿生肉:http://www.hxsbs.com.cn/html/whyl/tsfx/17678.html
【怎样看待impossible food的人造牛肉】 我觉得这个东西重要的意义不在于其口感、或者符合素食主义者的偏好。重要的是,它(有可能)能够用更少的资源和能量制造更高营养价值的食物。简单来说提高了食物的生产效率,食品会变得更廉价,饥饿会更少。
这个问题不是新鲜话题了,看到邀请的时候还以为是去年的实验室出产的“实验室细胞拼接成的肉”的新闻呢。关于上面这个问题可以在搜索“人造肉”今天的这个问题,内容很简单,植物肉汉堡。但是微博里说的内容很少,我们一起来看下维基百科怎么说的吧。我是手机编辑,没法批注什么的,重要的内容我就括号加了批注。不愿意看原文的可以翻到后面看结论。——————————简陋的分割线Impossible Foods?PrivateIndustryFoodFounded2011FounderPatrick O. BrownHeadquartersRedwood City, California, http://USWebsitewww.impossiblefoods.comImpossible Foods is a company that develops plant-based meat and dairy products made without animals. Headquartered in Redwood City, California, the company aims to give people the taste and nutritional benefits of meat without the negative health and environmental impacts of livestockproducts. The company researches animal products at the molecular level, then selects specific proteins and nutrients from plants to recreate the experience of meats and dairy products from animals.OriginIn 2009, Stanford biochemistry professorPatrick O. Brown(斯坦福教授为创始人) decided to devote an 18-month sabbatical to eliminating industrial animal agriculture, which he determined at the time to be the world’s largest environmental problem. With other academics, Brown co-organized a conference in 2010 in Washington to raise awareness. But the National Research Council workshop, called "The Role of Animal Agriculture in a Sustainable 21st Century Global Food System,” had minimal impact; soon after, he decided the best way to reduce animal agriculture was to offer a competing product in the free market. He started the company in 2011.ProductsIn July 2016, Impossible Foods launched the Impossible Burger, which "looks, cooks, smells, sizzles and taste like conventional ground beef but is made entirely from plants." The first restaurant to start serving the Impossible Burger was Momofuku Nishi in New York, owned by David Chang. The Impossible Burger is not available in retail locations.Because it’s made entirely from plants, Impossible Foods says that an Impossible Burger uses 95% less land and 74% less water, and it emits about 87% less greenhouse gases than a burger from cows(更环保,减少87的温室气体排放). The plant-based burger has more protein, less total fat and fewer calories than a similar-sized hamburger patty from cows. The Impossible Burger has no cholesterol, antibiotics or synthetic hormones.The company says it spent about $150 million to develop the Impossible Burger.Impossible Foods is also working on plant-based chicken, pork, fish and dairy products.TechnologyImpossible Foods\u0026#39; scientists discovered that heme is a key factor in how meat behaves.Heme(认为血红蛋白是吃起来像不像肉的关键) is the molecule that gives blood its red color and helps carry oxygen in living organisms. Heme protein is super abundant in animal muscle but is also found naturally in soy root nodules(大豆根瘤来源的植物血红蛋白). Impossible Foods uses heme in its products to provide the complex, savory taste of meat. To produce heme protein from plant sources, Impossible Foods engineers a yeast and uses a fermentation process very similar to the brewing process used to make some types of beer.Impossible Foods\u0026#39; scientists also recreate all the key components of animal meat texture -- muscle, connective tissue and fat -- using ingredients exclusively from plants. To replicate the fat in hamburgers made from cows, Impossible Foods\u0026#39; plant-based burger uses flecks of coconut fat(脂肪成分用椰油), which are mixed with ground textured wheat and potato protein(从这可以看出主要成分是小麦和大豆). The potato protein provides a firm exterior when the meat is seared. The coconut oil stays solid until heated, when it melts similarly to beef fat. FinanceImpossible Foods has raised rounds of $75 million and $108 million from investors including Google Ventures, Khosla Ventures,Viking Global Investors, UBS, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing\u0026#39;s Horizons Ventures and Bill Gates’.(获得谷歌,李嘉诚,比尔盖茨等投资,原谅我只认识这三个哈哈)——————简陋的分割线这是一个原斯坦福教授创立的,致力于做植物性来源,吃起来像肉的汉堡的公司。他们公司还做植物性牛奶。他们解决是否像肉的关键就是植物血红蛋白,椰油代替牛油,用碾碎的土豆小麦做为植物肉的主要成分模仿牛肉口感,制成的完全没有动物性来源的肉。而且声称更环保。Patrick O. Brown教授本来是斯坦福研究基因芯片的,另外还和别人合伙办了个期刊。“我也实在不是谦虚。我一个研究基因芯片的,怎么就做起植物汉堡了呢?但是嘉诚同志讲,\u0026#39;VC们已经研究决定了\u0026#39;。所以后来我就念了两……”(一巴掌甩过来,念nmlgb)。所以这个brown教授确有其人,也是在做这件事没错。那这个东西怎样呢?看上去很美哈,而且说实话,没吃过,没有发言权。但是我们可以用常识思考一下:牛肉的的味道仅仅只是血红蛋白制造的红色汁水就能模仿出来的?牛肉的好吃难道不是因为香味,纤维的口感,蛋白的质感以及肉汁等多方面因素影响的?你一口咬下去满嘴土豆味,和吃薯条啥区别。别说植物代替牛肉了,就是猪肉代替牛肉,我也不干!另外,文中提到更营养更健康,但是明显发现其实主料就是土豆和小麦。汉堡的面包也是小麦做的。这也就是说,你一餐摄入的几乎都是淀粉,单一的营养元素摄入带来的肠胃负担是非常大的,并没有想象中美好。另外像我这种不吃薯条会死党是没法接受吃这么多土豆的!撑!好了,以上都是关于植物汉堡本身的分析。那关于你的问题也就很简单了:口感肯定不同素食者能吃以前就有人在做这种东西了这tm跟国内素食肉有啥区别!超市里的小辣条不就是这个玩意的天朝版吗?美国人还是图样图森破。最后是自己想说的:这应该就是美国版的互联网创业吧。我是对这个东西唱衰的,和国内的乱七八糟稀奇古怪的噱头创业没有任何区别
