#that#据说,有这13个特征的人都是聪明人!( 二 )
最聪明的人能承认自己不熟悉某一概念 。 正如吉姆?维纳所写 , 聪明人“并不畏惧说‘我不懂’ 。 如果他们不知道 , 他们可以学习” 。
Winer's observation is backed up by a classic study by Justin Kruger and David Dunning, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which found that the less intelligent you are, the more you overestimate your cognitive abilities.
维纳观察到的这一点得到了贾斯汀?克鲁格和大卫?邓宁在《人格与社会心理学杂志》上发表的一篇经典论文的支持 , 该论文指出 , 智力水平越低的人 , 越会高估自己的认知能力 。
In one experiment, for example, students who'd scored in the lowest quartile on a test adapted from the LSAT overestimated the number of questions they'd gotten right by nearly 50 percent. Meanwhile, those who'd scored in the top quartile slightly underestimated how many questions they'd gotten right.
例如 , 在一个实验中 , 学生参加了从法学院入学考试题改编而成的测试 , 成绩最差的学生把自己答对的题数高估了50% 。 与此同时 , 那些成绩最好的人略微低估了自己答对的题数 。
You have insatiable curiosity
Albert Einstein reportedly said, "I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious."
据称 , 爱因斯坦曾说过这样一句话:“我并非天赋异禀 , 我只是对世界充满了好奇心 。 ”
Or, as Keyzurbur Alas puts it, "intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by things others take for granted."
或者如凯伊祖布尔?阿拉斯所说:“高智商的人会迷上那些其他人觉得理所当然的事物 。 ”
A study published in 2016, in the Journal of Individual Differences, suggests that there's a link between childhood intelligence and openness to experience — which encompasses intellectual curiosity — in adulthood.
2016年《个体差异杂志》上发表的一项研究表明 , 童年的智商水平与成年后对各种体验的开放态度(其中包含了求知欲)之间有一定的联系 。
Scientists followed thousands of people born in the UK for 50 years and learned that 11-year-olds who'd scored higher on an IQ test turned out to be more open to experience at 50.
科学家们连续50年跟踪调查了数千名英国人 。 调查发现 , 在11岁时获得较高的IQ测试分数的人们 , 在50岁的时候也更能接受新鲜事物 。
You're open-minded
Smart people don't close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities.
高智商的人们不会对新的观点和机会抱有消极的态度 。
Hammett writes that intelligent people are "willing to accept and consider other views with value and broad-mindedness," and that they are "open to alternative solutions".
汉密特写道 , 聪明的人“愿意用开阔的心胸接受和考虑其他观点 , 发现其中的价值” , 而且他们“对不同的解决方案持开放态度” 。
Psychologists say that open-minded people — those who seek out alternate viewpoints and weigh the evidence fairly — tend to score higher on the SAT and on intelligence tests.
心理学家表示 , 思想开明的人——那些能够找出和权衡各种不同观点的人——通常能在美国学术能力评估测验和智力测试中获得更高的分数 。
At the same time, smart people are careful about which ideas and perspectives they adopt.
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