#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会,遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”( 三 )

  This is the 30th year since Pfizer entered China. Beside a series of innovative medicines and therapeutic schedules, Pfizer also demonstrated its 30 years development in China at this CIIE.

  辉瑞生物制药集团中国区总经理吴琨表示:我们始终秉持为患者带来改变其生活的突破创新的理念 , 携手多方共同积极努力推进优秀创新药物的研发及引入 。 未来 , 辉瑞将进一步加大和加快在中国新药引进上市的力度和速度 , 帮助中国的广大患者及时接受与全球同步的先进药物治疗 。

  Wu Kun, Pfizer China Biopharma Country Lead, said: We always adhere to the concept of Breakthroughsthat change patients lives and work together to promote the development and introduction of excellent innovative medicine. In the future, Pfizer will further enhance and speed up the introduction and marketing of new drugs in China, and help Chinese patients receive advanced drugs and therapeutic schedules in a timely manner.


  ZEISS Demonstrates 100 Years Focusing On Innovation


----#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会 , 遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”//----

----#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会 , 遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”//----

  在第二届进博会上 , 蔡司延续了光无界 , 创无边的主题 , 在高端装备展区展出了30余款产品和解决方案 。

  At the 2nd CIIE, ZEISS is exhibiting more than 30 of its cutting-edge products and solutions with Seeing beyond as its theme in the High-end Equipment area.

  涵盖半导体制造技术、工业质量与研究、医疗技术与消费光学四大领域 , 再次向展现了蔡司逾百年来聚焦创新 , 更加注重中国未来发展对创新的需求 。

  These products and solutions span multiple fields including Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Industry Quality Research, Medical Technology, and Consumer Markets. They demonstrate more than 100 years of ZEISS focusing on innovation, and the companys ability to see the future needs for innovation from all sectors in China.

  蔡司在进博会期间设置了创新研发区域 , 带来智能显微镜、数码互动教学系统、手术显微镜、虚拟现实软件、光掩模版解决方案等一众前沿技术 , 展现了用科技创新带来的美好未来 。

  ZEISS has set up the Innovation area during CIIE to showcase a range of its cutting-edge technologies such as the Smart Microscope, ZEISS Digital Classroom, ZEISS KINEVO900, ZEISS arivis InViewR and ZEISS Mask solutions, to allow visitors to experience a bright future brought by innovation.
