#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会,遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”( 二 )

  Limagrain is an agricultural cooperative consisting of 1500 farmers, who are also shareholders of Limagrain Group. At the same time, Lmagrain is a multinational seed group operating in 56 countries on five continents.

  利马格兰高度重视研发和创新 , 多年来研发投入始终保持在15%左右 , 大力发展产业链 , 已经形成了从研发、育种一直到谷物配料和烘焙产品的全谷物产业链 。

  Limagrain Group attached great importance to R D and innovation. Its R D investment has been maintained at about 15% of its revenue over the years, and it developed an agro-food industry chain: from RD and seeds to bakery and pastry products.

#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会,遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”。  这不但在食品安全、可追溯性上有了保障 , 同时还可以把消费者的需求反馈给育种家 , 来有针对性地选育符合市场需求的农作物品种 。

  This kind of closed industry chain loop ensures not only the food security and good traceability; at the same time, the needs of consumers can also be fed back to breeders to select crop varieties that meet market needs.


#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会,遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”。  Pfizer Unveiled Collectively The Innovative Products In Five Major Fields


----#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会 , 遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”//----

----#经济日报#外企头条丨在进博会 , 遇见施耐德电气“黑科技”//----

  辉瑞公司携肿瘤、抗感染、炎症与免疫、疫苗、罕见病等五大领域创新产品集体亮相第二届进博会 。

  Pfizer attends the second CIIE with innovative products in five fields, including oncology, anti-infection, inflammation and immunity, vaccines, and rare diseases.

  作为以研发为基础的创新生物制药企业之一 , 辉瑞在此次进博会上, 展示出一系列创新药物及治疗方案 , 多种尚未在中国获批上市的创新药物也相继亮相 , 让中国乃至世界了解到辉瑞在多个领域的不断创新与进取 。

  As one of the innovative biopharmaceutical companies based on RD, Pfizer presented a series of innovative drugs and therapeutic schedules at the CIIE, with a variety of innovative drugs not yet being approved for marketing in China unveiled, so as to demonstrate to China, as well as the world, Pfizers endeavor in continuous innovation and enterprising in multiple fields.

  今年是辉瑞进入中国的第30年 。 在进博会上 , 辉瑞除了展示系列创新药物及治疗方案外 , 还展示在中国三十年来的发展历程 。
